I remember

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 22, 2005 - 9:28pm.

Reading this:

It's a Change, Not a Conspiracy
The City Is Gentrifying. Live With It
By David Nicholson
Sunday, October 23, 2005; B01

...I suddenly remember Mr. Nicholson. He was on a mailing list both Darkstar and I are still members of. Darkstar, I don't know if you remember, but Bianca invited him after he had a quote in a TNR about Volunteer Slavery by Jill Nelson that was more obnoxious than he intended (though IMO it would have been obnoxious anyway)


And he made one statement when he left the list that sticks with me to this day, in response to one of those "what do Black folks want" questions. He said most Black folks want a benevolent dictator rather than a democracy. And it sticks because he was right.

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Submitted by kspence on October 22, 2005 - 10:26pm.

why do you think this?

Submitted by DarkStar on October 22, 2005 - 10:29pm.

Now that you ring the bell, I do remember him.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 22, 2005 - 10:38pm.

Why do I think Black folks want a benevolent dictator? Because everyone is waiting for The Plan. There are exceptions, but it seems most of them want to be the benevolent dictator.

I don't think Black folks are different in this than anyone else, by the way. Look at the Republican response to Bush's every gesture (until Harriette...). And I do think it needs changing, across the board. At the moment, though, all you have to do is step up and SOMEbody will fall in behind you.