What crap

by Prometheus 6
October 30, 2005 - 4:19pm.
on Media | News | Politics

Meet the Press is in full shill mode.

Look folks, Fitzgerald didn't say there was no criminal conspiracy. He said he couldn't complete the investigation because Libby wouldn't come clean. So when you hear the conservative pundits talk about how important it is that there was no indictment AND  defend Libby...I guess the most polite thing to call them would be codependant.

Remember, the last thing that is considered by a grand jury is whether to prosecute. This is not unusual...grand juries mention unindicted co-conspirators regularly.

The collective need of the USofA overrides the virtues of personal responsibility and justice. Remember that too.

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Submitted by PSoTD (not verified) on October 30, 2005 - 5:41pm.

Yep, that was an embarrassment to any and all that was connected to it.  How Russert can sleep with himself is beyond me.

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