Bitch, don't never write nothing about me no more

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 15, 2005 - 10:55pm.
on Race and Identity

White guys are scared enough of me as it is. 

Quote of note:

Even in a time when nearly 40 percent of single Americans have dated outside their race, that deliberate seeking of the specific other makes some people, especially black women, damned mad.

We are what they denigrate and castigate: white women and black men who choose one another because of our racial differences. They resent our taking their men. Black men are two and a half times more likely to marry a white woman than a black woman is to marry a white man. Black women can point to that statistic in justifying their wrath. But in truth, black sisters, we're after the sex, not the ring—and these guys aren't the marrying kind anyway.

Yes, the sex!

“How many white men can treat a woman like a lady and ravish her too?”
By Susan Crain Bakos

Black skin is thick and lush, sensuous to the touch, like satin and velvet made flesh. There's only one patch of skin on a white man's body that remotely compares to nearly every inch of a black man's skin. The first time I caressed black skin, it felt like a luxury I shouldn't be able to afford. I craved it more strongly than Carrie Bradshaw craved Manolo Blahnik shoes. That phrase, "Once you go black, you never go back" is all about the feeling of the skin.

And I had the socially acceptable explanation for my craving. I used that paucity-of-available-white-partners rationale to explain my relationships with black men for several years. A white woman past forty is often passed over by her white-male contemporaries. She goes younger or ethnic or foreign-born or down the socioeconomic scale or darker or she spends lonely nights at home with her cats. Black men are happy to get the babe they couldn't have when she was twentysomething and fertile. The laws of the marketplace do prevail. It's not me, it's them—them being the white guys who weren't after me anymore, or so I claimed.

That's a lie. The truth is, I attract about the same percentage of available white men my age (and far younger!) now as I did when I was thirty—and that's not including the unavailable white men who want to play around anyway.

Enough white men want me that I was hardly facing enforced celibacy, but I don't want them.

I want black men. They want me. We look at one another and exchange a visible frisson of sexual energy in the lingering glances. And our attraction is based first on race.

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Submitted by Temple3 on December 16, 2005 - 10:01am.

"Society overvalues the white man, leaving him angry and bitter when he realizes, around age 40, that he's not all that."

And, there are many more of these tidbits interspersed throughout the article. Might I suggest a Carnegie course, a nice bottle of vino (preferably an Andean Malbec) and lettin' your nuts hang. White guys are gonna be scared - not much you can do about that.

I don't do politically correct - still, the article was a bit surprising until I had some back story on the author...former Penthouse Forum writer, etc....hmmm...this summer I spent some time in the Hamptons - and I just came back from Miami where white women two decades younger than the author are flexin' their love muscles with vigor. I guess that I don't get out much, but I'm still surprised at the cultural continuity of the pursuit of black men. This is by no means new - as you well know. It goes back to Day One, but now it's like a $300 DVD player - it's available for the masses. Come one, cum all. These, my friend, are interesting times.

As for the need to sustain community based on shared phenotype vs. shared practice (ie. marry me because we can build a loving community vs. do not bone this unending line of white women here because its really, really easy), freedom of choice is a helluva thing. Last time I checked, men with means seldom passed up freebies...hell, moms in the supermarket were the same way with coupons. To quote Captain Bligh, "Booty is booty." All the moralizing in the world shall not put the genie back in the bottle. And strangely enough, I almost always think of Emmitt Till when I am in these places or read these articles.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 16, 2005 - 10:14am.


Might I suggest a Carnegie course, a nice bottle of vino (preferably an Andean Malbec) and lettin' your nuts hang. White guys are gonna be scared - not much you can do about that.


I happened to be sipping a 2002 California Merlot when I was reading it. And honestly, one of the best responses I saw to this was on a mailing list, where a brother just said:


What's her address?

Trick is, Black folks are getting rhetorically targeted already, probably in anticiaption of November 2006. And some of this pseudo-harmless stuff combines exothermically with other stuff to form nasty toxins.


Submitted by Temple3 on December 16, 2005 - 10:27am.

"Black men are happy to get the babe they couldn't have when she was twentysomething and fertile." Shiiiiiit.

The author drops this one as part of the mythical story white women in her age group make up to justify their actions. Yet, the real world calculus of booty indicates that their daughters are as interested in sextra-terrestrial afronuts as the mommas. So, the author is right to include this for the falsehood it is. Young white women are lining up to get on...and not just wealthy ones.

It may be done in anticipation of November 2006, but I have to take it back to my man Andrew Hacker (not really my man)...the politics of interest are not the same as the politics of boot-knock. Simply, just 'cause we rock together, don't mean we'll rock the same vote. So, regardless of who leads, we know who will follow. Black folks and white folks are still divided on some key issues...there are some points of convergence, but broader socio-economic factors have created more separation here - as well as along the coast-center axis. Besides, how much victimization can you do after Tookie caught the fryer?

Did you catch Jermaine Dupree's new sunglasses designed with Cartier - retailed for $1500 with proceeds going to aid victims of Katrina. When hiphop producers are designing profit making products with Cartier, it's a cultural wrap. The game is over. There is not much left but for folks to be afraid, very afraid. The trick is to make this a political and economic wrap. We're far from that.

BTW, couldn't find any pics of the writer to share with you. I'll keep plugging. And, that Viagra story was hilarious. "I'm a bit flushed." LMAO!!!

Submitted by Ahrimahn (not verified) on December 16, 2005 - 12:56pm.

Scientists have known this for a large time. Blacks have the largest penises while Asians have the smallest with whites being in the middle. Just as Asians have the largest brains while blacks have the smallest with whites being (again) in the middle.

[P6: Assinine links deleted] 

Submitted by Temple3 on December 16, 2005 - 1:52pm.

maybe you (Ah) should read the article again...the references to size are hardly material (no pun intended). the author recognizes slight statistical differences, but takes it to the level of a feeling...bigger and harder...but I gotta say, the emphasis on harder should not be overlooked.

Submitted by Quaker in a Basement on December 16, 2005 - 2:10pm.

we're after the sex, not the ring—and these guys aren't the marrying kind anyway

Ain't she sweet?

Submitted by Temple3 on December 16, 2005 - 2:28pm.

sho nuff, 'cept I'ze alridy hitched.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 16, 2005 - 6:04pm.

By the way, Ahrimahn...many scientific studies are assinine. And links don't get you taken must understand what you link well enough to argue the point yourself.

Otherwise, you're like those idiots that say "white people invented this and that," and have no capability to do so themselves.