Follow-up on The New School

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 16, 2005 - 6:21pm.
on On bullshit

The New School responds to the article in NYC Indymedia accusing it of racism and censorship. They say there have been no charges filed, the INS contact was to clear up paperwork problems that would interfere with Ms. Tapaoan's student visa, and she's graduating with a Master's degree in January.

Like the my original post on the issue, I have to lead with an "if," but it sure sounds more likely than the blatant racism necessary for the Indymedia report to be true.

Either someone is bullshitting or there's a deeeeep misunderstanding. That the original date of the response is a day earlier than the Indymedia post and it was fed to one of my more reliable sources weeks later disturbs me. Anyway, the New School's response follows.

December 2, 2005

Dear Students and Friends,

I am writing to dispel some misinformation that is currently circulating about Emelyn Tapaoan, a student at The New School, and a public forum that she helped organize that took place on October 22.

There are accusations that Emelyn is being disciplined by the university for organizing a forum on the impact of Hurricane Katrina, that she has been reported to the Office of Homeland Security, and that she is being threatened with deportation. None of these are the case.

Emelyn is currently a student in good standing with an I-20 student visa. The only communication the university has had with immigration authorities took place prior to the forum and was made only to correct an error in paperwork that threatened her student status. This situation is now fully resolved. Emelyn is scheduled to graduate from The New School with a Master of Science in International Affairs in January 2006.

There are also a number of misunderstandings regarding the forum on Hurricane Katrina. It is true that the organization of the event did not comply with university policies and that this brought it to the attention of the administration. However, the event was held as planned and appeared to be successful. There was no effort or intent on the part of the university to censor the event itself or any of the speakers. It is also true that I met with Emelyn, as well as a faculty member, after the event to review and clarify the policies that had not been followed. However, no charges of any kind have been made against Emelyn and there has been no disciplinary action of any kind taken.

There has been a series of misunderstandings but I hope this helps dispel concerns about The New School's commitment to free speech and our willingness to provide a forum for controversial ideas.


Linda Dunne
The New School for General Studies


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Submitted by GDAWG on December 17, 2005 - 3:17pm.
