It's like he never had someone pull out of an alliance

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on February 6, 2006 - 9:07pm.
on Politics
It seems Senator Obama has decided McCain's ethics task force.

Obama to McCain: No Thanks on Reform Task Force

In a sign that many Democrats continue to view ethics as a potent political issue in the midterm elections,  Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) on Thursday rejected an effort by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to form a bipartisan task force to develop compromise reform legislation.

"I know you have expressed an interest in creating a task force to further study and discuss these matters but I and others in the Democratic Caucus believe the more effective and timely course is to allow the committees of jurisdiction to roll up their sleeves and get to work on writing ethics and lobbying reform legislation that a majority of the Senate can support," Obama wrote in a Feb. 2 letter to McCain.

Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said that since the goal of the reform effort is to make government more transparent, the idea of a working group or task force conducting business behind closed doors was not appealing to his boss. "You don't need a commission," Gibbs said. "What you need most of all is a commitment from the leadership to bring this issue to the floor as quickly as possible."

This has pissed off Senator McCain as though that sort of thing has never happened to him before. And he unloaded on Senator Obama the way he should have on Bush Jr. when they were campaigning against each other,

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Submitted by Kim Pearson (not verified) on February 6, 2006 - 10:54pm.
Isn't it interesting that a freshman senator is being asked to take on such a high-profile, politically-risky role. Hmmm.....I wonder why that is. Usually, if one is looking for bi-partisan support, wouldn't one consult with a senior legislator in the other party? Just wondering...
Submitted by Ourstorian on February 7, 2006 - 10:41am.

McCain, Bush's whiney little titty baby, trying to flex on Obama? Talk about pandering to the electorate, I bet he'll get a lot of mileage from his fellow white nationalist party members (Republicans) for putting the darkie in his place.

Obama, on the other hand, needs to learn the art of the bitch slap. Perhaps one day he'll realize there's no compromise with the devil that doesn't involve bending over and getting screwed. In the meantime, I hope he keeps a large economy-size can of Crisco handy.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on February 7, 2006 - 1:05pm.
I posted Senator Obama's response in the middle o' the night.

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