Not really my turf, but…

The other day when I was planning on getting all technical and philosophical about how the political parties are missing the mark in their recruiting, I bookmarked a bunch of tabs in Mozilla. There were several things I wanted fresh in my mind. One of them was a post by Rayne on her blog, which I've already pointed to in one of my manual trackback posts.

But I slipped and bookmarked the blog instead of the article. So when I reloaded those tab and switched to Rayne's blog, instead of the post I expected I saw The Rose Bush.

It wasn’t what I’d expected at all, what she had to tell me. She’d fallen in love, wanted to marry a young doctoral student. She’d met his mother already. They were happy, ecstatic together. And her father would not be able to handle this at all. Not because of the happiness, not because of the love – but because this young man with whom she was so smitten was Asian. Not Anglo-white like her.

They’d known each other for a long time, having gone to the same Baptist college together. They had been good friends first, before falling in love. And now? How could she marry him if her father wouldn’t grant his permission, wouldn’t give his blessing? What would become of her if she were to give up her love simply because her father was bigoted? Her father had already been furious with her, her brother equally unsupportive over this relationship. What would happen if she lost the approval of the family she had left?

She’d already risked much by being involved with this young Asian man, on a campus that had only recently allowed inter-racial relationships. She was breaking ground, exposing herself and her family to pressure from those who still have it otherwise.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 8/11/2003 05:58:59 PM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 11, 2003 - 5:58pm :: Race and Identity