I feel your pain

by Prometheus 6
August 27, 2003 - 2:27am.
on News

Demonsthenes is having an issue with the blogging format:

The problem I'm having blogging, recently, is the way in which it works... with that "sequential scrolling posts" aspect of it; there's a catch-22 at the center of it all. If one writes fairly long, well researched or well-thought-out or whatever posts, there is still a significant possibility (if not a likelihood) that the post will have no impact whatsoever. It'll just disappear into the archives, and once that's happened, it's gone. This creates a disincentive towards longer posts, unless you're absolutely sure that you'll get noticed. Even then, there's the problem of getting people to actually read through the thing, instead of skipping ahead to something more easily digestible.

The alternative is smaller, pithier postings, akin to Instapundit or Atrios. This does wonders for one's visitor numbers, because people come back often to see "what's new", but often there isn't much content to the post beyond the link itself. Atrios doesn't suffer from this that much, but Instapundit is notorious for this problem. It means that blogs themselves become less useful, as there are other, better ways of filtering information (such as Google News). Comments threads can help flesh things out, but they're a crapshoot too... length seems to depend more on the contentiousness of an issue, rather than any intrinsic worth.

Plus, since there's so many blogs nowadays, a "linker's blog" has that much more trouble standing out, and the mad hunt for visits and hits is at least partially due to the fear that one is simply typing into the ether, unknown and unread. (I've been hit with that somewhat lately, despite not being a "linker", and it's starting to affect my entire attitude towards blogging.)

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Write long original stuff, and too soon it'll disappear, unread and unremarked, into the archive; all that time and effort is for naught. Write shorter link-based stuff, and you're just a links page with some pithy words attached, no different than literally thousands of other writers. Try to find a balance between the two, and length becomes the priority instead of content.

No matter how it works out, it seems like maybe weblogs really are best suited for the purpose that they were originally designed for: personal journals.


Static material. That's why Josh Marshall has his document collection. That's why I have The Public Library (which, now that I mention it, is overdue for an addition) and The Best of P6 and a couple of special sections. That's why when I was reminded that Moveable Type has a built in site search facility I changed my mind and imported all my old stuff.

Max is right, permanence lends weight to discourse. So create some. Hard-code a list of links to your best stuff into your template. SO your list will be kind of long, so what?

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Submitted by JohnC (not verified) on August 27, 2003 - 3:50pm.

Dude, RSS! Demonsthenes needs to get a feed and fast. (just my opinion) RSS readers can do a lot of the organizing and filtering and book marking. Takes a lot of pressure off the site to do it with limited real estate.