Okay, check thisAs I said

Okay, check this

As I said a little while back, judicial nominations are among the things that bother me. Well, another nominee you'd have rather see lose has been confirmed. The Dems didn't fold entirely, but as one right-wing blogger put it, it's the results, not the margin of victory (not to mention the method) that counts.

Those senators and representatives (hah!) that vote for these federalists, I don't know what's on their minds, but I know what will get their attention … a threat to their jobs. And I know what will get people moving … a threat to their cash flow.

What I want you to do is read this again. It's about the attempt to enable employers to force you to take time off instead of cash for overtime, up to 13 months after you earn it at the employer's discretion.

Now, you work for a union? Tell your fellow union members about it. Tell your shop steward.

No union? Fine … you know people who work O/T to pay a bill or buy a Christmas present, or Easter clothes for the kids? Tell them about it.

Tell the people at your church, tell the preacher how that'll cut into the tithes. Tell the people at the PTA, the people you play ball with.

Tell everyone to write a letter to their congressman and senator complaining about it.

Later: ActForChange has an online form letter for this very purpose. You can copy the text, modify it to suit your views, and print it for your people.

And they're sending stuff to Bush. I'd advise getting your congresscritter's contact info and buying each of them under a couple pounds of paper.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/29/2003 06:03:15 PM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 29, 2003 - 6:03pm :: Old Site Archive