Changes I been goin' thru

It's possible I shouldn't have written that last post yesterday. I was tired, and a bit disappointed in a couple of things. I really try not to go deep personal here but it does impact my reactions and perceptions.For instance, it's pretty damn obvious why I'm not a Republican. So I'm not writing that essay. Some things are better handled by a visit than by shouting across a room. And being a fractional Pan-Africanist (in that I feel part of the reason it would be good for Black folks in the USofA to get our shit together is so we can help Black Africans survive…we, the wealthiest, most educated, most powerful children of Africa on the planet can help, and Bush has demonstrated that few others will without exacting a price I'm not sure Africa can pay)…well, the preceding parenthetical explained my anger so I'm just leaving it like that.

My anger is keyed by specific opinions and actions. My frustration goes beyond that…it comes from watching the thought processes that generate the opinions and actions, processes that seem to spew error after excuse after error. The fundamental problem seems to be that people think they're okay without ever referring to reality as long as they are internally consistent. This error is central to the neocon approach, so I'd probably be too damn through with them even if they were raining manna on the masses.

And I so want to address the thought pattern sometimes…but that's not what P6 does. So I may have to create another, more low-key venue

Posted by Prometheus 6 on September 5, 2003 - 9:57am :: Race and Identity

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Different masks for different tasks.'s no shame in that.

Posted by  JohnC (not verified) on September 5, 2003 - 10:19am.

It would be refreshing to be a unitary being. But that's for the next persona to discuss. :-/

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on September 5, 2003 - 11:10am.

There is nothing at all wrong with righteous anger; the best of humanity often emerges from righteous anger.But letting it eat you is cancerous. Take care of yourself; you're probably in overload if otherwise righteous anger is becoming bitter poison.Maybe we need to focus on the do-able to help discharge the feeling of powerlessness that foments bitterness. Maybe you can answer what it is that Dems need to do to get disenfranchised black Americans out to vote, what it is Dems need to do to encourage outreach during the next year, what it is Dems need to do for minorities in American once in office again. I could really use this perspective right now, from a black American male; my local Dean organization needs it badly. Can you do it? I really, REALLY need this -- and it needs to be *crystal* clear.I'll post more at my place later on this to solicit more help.

Posted by  Rayne (not verified) on September 5, 2003 - 11:22am.

Rayne:1- I am in overload, no question. Not burnt out, but redlined2- I am actually never powerless. I am, however a little tired if pointing out internal inconsistancies in people's world view when the reality of how fucked up things are and will be if the neocons hold sway is screaming in everyone's face. 3- Your problem isn't very complicated. What do you think would motivate white folks to vote for Dean?

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on September 5, 2003 - 3:02pm.

It's not that easy, P6. I know why the white folks will vote, but is there something else we need to make sure gets covered right up front out in the open air about minorities' needs with Dean and other candidates, before we find ourselves in the voting booth next fall? (Really, did people of color who supported Bush make sure they nailed down firmly before the election? is that why we got what we did, a jackass who won't talk with the NAACP because he was never forced to *commit* to regular conversations during his campaign?)And the REAL problem is that I didn't see one Black or Asian or Native American face at my MeetUps -- except for my own. Try this on for size, put on that inner white person for a change for a moment: How can minority peoples bitch about the lack of representation, of disenfranchisement, when they aren't showing up?Really. The white folks are talking about outreach, they want to do it, but it's not happening. Somebody's got to meet half-way. My question to you -- and anybody else reading this: What does it take? What do you think black American males need to meet half-way? What's it gonna' take to see adequate representation in MeetUps by peoples of color?To the rest of you peoples of color: I'm going to hate like hell to speak for the rest of you and then have you stab me in the back because I didn't cover your needs.

Posted by  Rayne (not verified) on September 6, 2003 - 8:55am.

I have to do this in two parts, Rayne. Really, did people of color who supported Bush make sure they nailed down firmly before the election? is that why we got what we did, a jackass who won't talk with the NAACP because he was never forced to *commit* to regular conversations during his campaign?)You'd have to ask those people of color. I think you'll find them vanishingly rare, particularly if you focus on Black folks in particular.Try this on for size, put on that inner white person for a change for a moment: How can minority peoples bitch about the lack of representation, of disenfranchisement, when they aren't showing up?It hurts to squeeze my butt-cheeks tight enough to contain myself within whatever small inner white person might exist within me. ;-)From the minority perspective, not showing up is the result, not the cause, of disenfranchisement. That's how they can bitch about it. Follow?I had to respond to those statements. Next comment will be questions I need answered in order to engage your problem properly.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on September 6, 2003 - 2:16pm.

Rayne:These questions are not empty challenges. I've decided to engage your problem seriously.I'm going to hate like hell to speak for the rest of you and then have you stab me in the back because I didn't cover your needs.Are you speaking for Dean as a member of his policy-making staff or as a grass-roots volunteer raising support for him? Are you in a position to make promises that are binding on him? The reason I'm asking this should be obvious.I know why the white folks will voteWhy will white people vote? Truthfully, this is more for my own personal understanding than to answer your question.The white folks are talking about outreach, they want to do it, but it's not happening. How serious is their intent? Has anyone tried anything beyond discussion? Are your people willing to risk rejection? Are they willing to return after rejection? It sounds like folks are looking for a sure-fire method, and having a sure-fire method is NOT meeting someone half-way. Somebody's got to meet half-way. That someone has to be someone they are sure is able to affect policy. Otherwise all the reassurances and reaching out in the world means nothing and it take no political sophistication to realize that.BTW, my consulting fees are quite reasonable.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on September 6, 2003 - 2:35pm.