Blowing one's own horn, or Link Pimping Phase II

by Prometheus 6
September 8, 2003 - 7:45am.
on News
Leaving Teachers Behind
By Earl Dunovant

On January 8, 2002, President George W. Bush signed into law H.R. 1, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Promising to provide the same educational benefits to all children irrespective of race class or location, NCLB was nearly universally applauded for its lofty goals: high standards, accountability for results, local control, and parental choice were the stated benefits of the bill.

As always seems to be the case, however, the devil is in the details. Acting on the well-intentioned bill requires far more than simply setting forth a goal. It requires an accurate assessment of what needs to be adjusted to reach the goal, and truly empowering people to take those steps. And it appears NCLB has fallen victim to realpolitik by way of the difference between authorized funding and the funds actually appropriated.

Politicized 9/11 or Trivialized 9/11 Not a damn thing is better
Jo Fish (of Democratic Veteran) gives us a military veteran's take on Bush's belief that invoking 9/11 justified a pre-emptive war - and warns us that it's "time to wake up and begin to put the lie to that belief."

It's September 2003. Do You Know Where Your BioTerrorism Preparedness Is? (Part I) (Part II) by P.G. Gandy of Half the Sins of Mankind and this comment thread (wherein an explanation of the presumption pointed to below is given)

A Variation on a Theme by Fred Henning of Rantavation gives up one of the "funny if it weren't so true" thangs.

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