Race - The Power of

Race - The Power of an Illusion

Since this PBS special isn't playing in NYC until next month I suggest viewing the supporting website. There's a wealth of information there … California Newsreel did an excellent job of rounding up and organizing supporting material (114 Books, 26 Web sites, 18 Organizations, 17 Videos, 47 Online articles), the only problem being they pop up in Javascript-defined custom windows, with no address bar or menu. Makes bookmarking an annoying proposition.

Being who I am, naturally I rooted around until I worked out some key URLs, exactly one of which I will share; a lesson plan based on episode 2:Jamestown: Planting the Seeds of Tobacco and the Ideology of Race

This is an excellent plan. Having found information very similar to what is being presented here in Lerone Bennett's "The Shaping of Black America," I can vouch for the impact taking the lesson seriously would have.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/30/2003 08:29:33 AM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 30, 2003 - 8:29am :: Old Site Archive