In order to avoid hypocrisy, Southern Republicans would have to support it

by Prometheus 6
September 24, 2003 - 6:35am.
on News

Can we Democrats be your next province?


Having endured the outrages of the 2000 presidential "election" and the 9/11-empowered Republicans' reactionary policies, progressive Democrats, Greens and Independents across the United States are smouldering. Especially in the 20 states that went for Al Gore in the Northeast, Midwest, and West, more and more of us are appalled by the combination of dishonest rhetoric, regressive tax giveaways, international adventurism, environmental degradation and unprecedented arrogance spewing from the President and his congressional cohorts.

We look to Washington and hear -- rather than solutions for pressing problems -- little but sound bites and lies, the all-too-familiar litany about weapon-finding, children leaving, job growing, tax cutting, Arctic drilling, missile defending, and terrorist hunting.

In stunned disbelief, we have signed petitions, given money to progressive causes, and joined street protests. But arghhh! and aarghhh! again, many of us have had it. We're fed up and need to move on -- or out. But where to go?

A map of the state-by-state voting in 2000 suggests the obvious answer. With the anomalous and proud exception of New Mexico, Gore states are contiguous either to Canada or to other Gore states. In the most peaceful and democratic way, without invoking images of Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, these states need to secede from the Union, reform into provinces and join Canada.

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Submitted by Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on September 24, 2003 - 10:42pm.

Sometimes I do get to thinking about Canada. :-(