Two pissed-off people

That have nothing to do with each other, except that I'm sure both were largely incited by yesterday's recall.First, r@d@r at ex-liontamer:

an open letter to the registered democratic non-voters of california
my dear people,

what the fuck is wrong with you? the polls indicate that a decisive percentage of you simply didn't show up:

Democrats comprise 44 percent of the state's registered voters, but made up only 39 percent of voters in Tuesday's election, exit polls found. Republicans, who make up 35 percent of California's registered voters, comprised 37 percent of recall voters.
so you don't even give a shit who runs your state any more? why don't you simply register as republicans and have done with it?

i am mad enough at herr ahnolt, mad enough at the republicans who wound him up and sent him crashing through the system, mad enough at issa and everybody else -- but i save the lion's share of my wrath for you, all of you latte-sipping liberals who preferred staying at home watching 'k street' to actually getting involved in the political process. i am ashamed of you. it makes me want to tear up my registration card and re-register as independent; it makes me want to burn every piece of paper that proves i grew up in california.

…p.s. -- if this is all diebold's fault and you all actually voted, my apologies.


next, via The Daily Kos, An Open Letter to the Clark Movement

By the time you read these words, the bell will be tolling for Wesley Clark's candidacy. It will be clear across the country that the campaign of Wesley Clark is nothing more than the Gore campaign with a better candidate - this will mean that activists, the people who can create a field organization that can win Iowa and New Hampshire, will know that this campaign is nothing more than a media creation.

This is the defining moment for the Clark Campaign. Either he will show he can take charge, or he will be forever branded a tool of insiders, unable to understand the enormity of the task. A man who cannot fill a campaign, cannot fill a cabinet. A man who cannot run a campaign, cannot run the government. A man who cannot obey the law, cannot uphold the law.

Donnie Fowler - respected campaigner, son of legendary Don Fowler - has been forced out. He was forced out because people would not come forward and tell the truth, and instead cowered and waited, even though they knew what was going on to be wrong. We were not there for him, and he is now no longer there for us.

It is crisis that makes men into statesmen, and separates leaders from followers. What must be done now is swift and dramatic action: it must be made clear that Clark is not a follower of the old politics and can step forward and staunch the bleeding. This is because the resignation makes all of the small irregularities and missteps of the campaign count as problems, and they will be brought forward. People here who think that this is the end of Clark's problems are deceving themselves. Now that the recall is over, and the spy flame has died down - a new news cycle has started, and Clark is on the menu. If he does not meet this head on, he will be swamped by every single error made. The man who runs as Mr. Clean, must, in fact be clean. Clark must prove he can run his campaign, the way he runs his mouth.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on October 8, 2003 - 10:53am :: Random rant

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Clark peaked on the first day, an IPO internet boondoggle that is now being shorted by the pro, and dumped on by the insiders (who are paying themselves nicely).

Posted by  Jake (not verified) on October 9, 2003 - 6:09am.

Gore/Clark '04.That's a prediction, not a wish.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on October 9, 2003 - 7:17am.