How can we make folks understand this?

from Kicking Ass:

Having failed to create jobs with his strategy of enormous tax giveaways to the wealthy, Bush decided to ask China to increase the value of the its currency in order to give American manufacturers a boost that would presumably create jobs.

But given the slim chance of success, this seemed to be little more than a political ploy designed to (a) make it look like Bush was doing something to create jobs and (b) shift the blame for America's job losses to somewhere other than 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

And as USA Today reports today, China and Japan both rejected Bush's request to increase the value of their currencies.

It was quite a risk for Bush to make successful diplomacy a prerequisite of his economic policies, given the rate at which he squandered the world's goodwill after the September 11 attacks. But now that he's failed with tax cuts for the rich and pleading with other countries to help, maybe he'll hand over the economic reins to people who can do the job?

Wasn't there a group that recently created the longest economic expansion in America's history? Oh, right: Democrats.

People need to understand the position of weakness neocon policy has placed this country in. And because I'm convinced Bush is a sock puppet I say neocon policy here, but on the street I'll be talking Bush.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on October 20, 2003 - 4:34pm :: Politics

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