Evil plans for world dominion by dark masters of eeeeeee-vil

Cobb has an interesting post up wherein, after meandering around a bit he says:

I am a willing and able participant in the system employing enlightened self-interest having been struck by:
1) the remarkable resiliancy of the American middle-class
2) regimes of tyrannical chaos elsewhere
3) the prerogatives of wisdom and age.
4) the fantastic vapidity of lefty wishful thinking
5) the concrete reality of collaborative skills


As I heard Aziz' name surfacing the other day, I am brought to mind about this Sivanandian imperative and the conspiratorial nature of big Chomsky-sized secrets. What is better at motivating strident insurgent political activism than the existence of secrets and a pledge to correct America from within? This is a potent combination. There is a huge problem with it however. It forces the insurgents to assume evil motivations and elide the complexity of real power relationships.

Nothing illustrates this quite like the gutteral noises made by lefties whenever they utter the word 'profits'. People who don't understand business generally don't understand how profits are created. The complexity of running a business is a big mystery to them. It's a secret. They just understand that people at the top get lots of money, people at the bottom don't, and that 'everything' is all about profits.

That's surprisingly patronizing coming from a usually thoughtful man.Maybe I take it personally because I got a big-ol' Chomsky-sized secret plot motivating the political side of my conversations (of which P6 is just the written part). And I'm not backing up off it, because it's not even secret anymore. Grover Norquist has spoken of it. Karl Rove has spoken of it. Tom DeLay has spoken of it. Congress executes it with every bill that passes favors to CCC (Corporate Campaign Contributors), and every meeting with groups having the same initials. And the whole Republican Party, with dishearteningly rare exceptions, not only drinks the Kool-Aid but asks for seconds.

I'm simply not the type of person to make gutteral noises. I've been as corporate as Cobb, and as independantly employed. I've been broke, on welfare. I've raised a family and therefore had to take that realistic look at the world to understand how a broke Black man can move up, can see past the hostile racism of some and the guilty racism of others to the people who live beneath the attitudes…as well as how to recognize people whose lives and minds aren't constrained by such attitudes. I am by NO means anti-capitalism.

But I am anti-Capitalist.

I see is a class of people whose root morality is Capitalism, to whom that which is profitable is by definition good, and all the other repercussions are dealt with in the aftermath. These folks aren't classic evil, but the results of their actions can be…and in their current collaboration with the neocons, it is.

I don't have to assume evil motivations. I don't deal in the motivations of other because I can't see them. But I can see the results. When Cobb says:

We would all do well to remember unintended consequences.

…he's right—and those with the whip handle should be all the more mindful of it.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on October 21, 2003 - 11:12am :: Seen online

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