Civil disobedience re: electronic voting

Kerim at Keywords, a blog I'm finding quite good, gives notice of the Electronic Civil Disobedience taking place at Swarthmore College. You can, and should, give the students a hand, as it can help in a whole bag of ways:

We need your support! Because the Diebold memos are currently being hosted on the Swarthmore College computer network, we need messages of support for this action of civil disobedience. Please e-mail Dean Bob Gross ([email protected]) to support Why War? and SCDC?s action. We will be meeting with him Wednesday, October 22, and your emails will make a huge difference. Remember to be nice and please cc your e-mails to [email protected]

Why War? believes that what we are doing is legal ; though we see it as an issue of electronic civil disobedience we believe it is Diebold which is abusing copyright law in an attempt to shut down free speech and the democratic process. The four criteria of "fair use" copyright law are the purpose of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the substantiality of the portion used and the effect of the use upon the potential market of the copyrighted work. We believe the publication of these documents is integral to the function of the democratic process. The memoranda themselves are not marketable products, and in this case we believe the nature of the work, which threatens elections occurring in 37 states, outweighs the need to selectively excerpt portions of the documents. If there is anything the American people have a right to know, it is how their votes are being counted.

Check the excerpts and see if you don't feel you should send that email.Excerpts from the Diebold Documents

�Elections are not rocket science. Why is it so hard to get things right! I have never been at any other company that has been so miss [sic] managed.� [source]

�I have become increasingly concerned about the apparent lack of concern over the practice of writing contracts to provide products and services which do not exist and then attempting to build these items on an unreasonable timetable with no written plan, little to no time for testing, and minimal resources. It also seems to be an accepted practice to exaggerate our progress and functionality to our customers and ourselves then make excuses at delivery time when these products and services do not meet expectations.� [source]

�I feel that over the next year, if the current management team stays in place, the Global [Election Management System] working environment will continue to be a chaotic mess. Global management has and will be doing the best to keep their jobs at the expense of employees. Unrealistic goals will be placed on current employees, they will fail to achieve them. If Diebold wants to keep things the same for the time being, this will only compound an already dysfunctional company. Due to the lack of leadership, vision, and self-preserving nature of the current management, the future growth of this company will continue to stagnate until change comes.� [source]

�[T]he bugzilla historic data recovery process is complete. Some bugs were irrecoverably lost and they will have to be re-found and re-submitted, but overall the loss was relatively minor.� [source]

�28 of 114 or about 1 in 4 precincts called in this AM with either memory card issues "please re-insert", units that wouldn't take ballots - even after recycling power, or units that needed to be recycled. We reburned 7 memory cards, 4 of which we didn't need to, but they were far enough away that we didn't know what we'd find when we got there (bad rover communication).� [source]

�If voting could really change things, it would be illegal.� [source]

�I need some answers! Our department is being audited by the County. I have been waiting for someone to give me an explanation as to why Precinct 216 gave Al Gore a minus 16022 when it was uploaded. Will someone please explain this so that I have the information to give the auditor instead of standing here "looking dumb".� [source]

�[...] while reading some of Paranoid Bev�s scribbling.� [source]

�Johnson County, KS will be doing Central Count for their mail in ballots. They will also be processing these ballots in advance of the closing of polls on election day. They would like to log into the Audit Log an entry for Previewing any Election Total Reports. They need this, to prove to the media, as well as, any candidates & lawyers, that they did not view or print any Election Results before the Polls closed. However, if there is a way that we can disable the reporting functionality, that would be even better.� [source] (emphasis added)

�4K Smart cards which had never been previously programmed are being recognized by the Card Manager as manager cards. When a virgin card from CardLogix is inserted into a Spyrus (have tried CM-0-2-9 and CM-1-1-1) the prompt "Upgrade Mgr Card?" is displayed. Pressing the ENTER key creates a valid manager card. This happens in Admin mode and Election mode.� [source

Posted by Prometheus 6 on October 22, 2003 - 5:11am :: Seen online

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Posted by  Kerim Friedman (not verified) on October 22, 2003 - 11:12am.

Indeed, let's do it for the kids and for secure voting.

Posted by  Natalie Davis (not verified) on October 22, 2003 - 5:47pm.