Things I'm going to do

Sometime in the next month I'm going to buy some spell-checking components for Delphi because I'm getting really pissed at these attempts at desktop clients for Movable Type.I had begun work on such a client when I was on Blogger, then I ran across wBloggar, which is a wonderful thing for sites that use the Blogger API. But it almost always times out when I post with the published status, especially if there are trackbacks involved. Plus it doesn't deal in all the fields Movable Type uses.

SharpMT has no spell checker and opens a browser to edit posts, which sort of defeats the purpose. And last time I tried the current beta it doesn't just allow you to save your drafts to a file, it DEMANDS it, even if you're posting to publish.

Zempt is close, but it uses the cross platform GUI library whose edit fields don't act quite like Windows--like pressing the home key takes you to the beginning of a paragraph rather than the beginning of a line. I understand why, but it's annoying. And it don't convert high ASCII to HTML entities, and so posts will choke more frequently than I care to put up with anymore.

And I ain't linking to any of 'em in this post because I don't want to hear it.

My programming stuff, with a five year exception, has been for research and self edification rather than employment. And about once a year I write something useful and strictly tailored for me. Looks like this is my end of year project.

And I hate trying to make icons. How the hell do you draw something recognizable in 20 x 20 pixels? I think you have to make a deal with Satan to gain that skill…it's beyond me.
And I have evil plans for all this stuff I'm learning and practicing about MT itself. I'll try to manifest it as a birthday gift to myself (January is close enough).

Posted by Prometheus 6 on October 23, 2003 - 9:20am :: Tech

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I've been using Kung-Log. It doesn't access all the features of MT and it doesn't quite replicate the image upload (with thumbnails, etc.) feature. But for cranking out posts, it's pretty darned good. Except it's for Macs, so that probably doesn't help you.

Posted by  Erica (not verified) on October 24, 2003 - 9:50pm.

No, it doesn't. I need stuff that runds under Windows and Linix, because I run XP here and rental space is almost always Linux.Fortunately that's not much of a limitation.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on October 24, 2003 - 11:49pm.