Things I'm going to do

Sometime in the next month I'm going to buy some spell-checking components for Delphi because I'm getting really pissed at these attempts at desktop clients for Movable Type.I had begun work on such a client when I was on Blogger, then I ran across wBloggar, which is a wonderful thing for sites that use the Blogger API. But it almost always times out when I post with the published status, especially if there are trackbacks involved. Plus it doesn't deal in all the fields Movable Type uses.

SharpMT has no spell checker and opens a browser to edit posts, which sort of defeats the purpose. And last time I tried the current beta it doesn't just allow you to save your drafts to a file, it DEMANDS it, even if you're posting to publish.

Zempt is close, but it uses the cross platform GUI library whose edit fields don't act quite like Windows--like pressing the home key takes you to the beginning of a paragraph rather than the beginning of a line. I understand why, but it's annoying. And it don't convert high ASCII to HTML entities, and so posts will choke more frequently than I care to put up with anymore.

And I ain't linking to any of 'em in this post because I don't want to hear it.

My programming stuff, with a five year exception, has been for research and self edification rather than employment. And about once a year I write something useful and strictly tailored for me. Looks like this is my end of year project.

And I hate trying to make icons. How the hell do you draw something recognizable in 20 x 20 pixels? I think you have to make a deal with Satan to gain that skill…it's beyond me.
And I have evil plans for all this stuff I'm learning and practicing about MT itself. I'll try to manifest it as a birthday gift to myself (January is close enough).

Posted by Prometheus 6 on October 23, 2003 - 9:20am :: Tech

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