Spinning in your pajamas

by Prometheus 6
October 26, 2003 - 4:42am.
on News

Rockets hit hotel where Americans are based, unknown number of casualties
CHARLES J. HANLEY, AP Special Correspondent
Saturday, October 25, 2003
©2003 Associated Press

(10-25) 23:09 PDT BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) --

Six to eight rockets on Sunday struck the Al Rasheed Hotel that is home to many U.S. military and civilian employees, the U.S. military said. Preliminary, unconfirmed reports showed that one American was killed and several information, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said

Wolfowitz, appearing shaken during a hastily called news conference, expressed "profound sympathy" to victims of the attack.

Wolfowitz said that danger persists Iraq "as long as there are criminals out there staging hit and run attacks."

The 6:10 a.m. attack caused some damage to the hotel however U.S. troops prevented reporters from reaching the scene, located in a heavy guarded area near coalition headquarters.

Wolfowitz, one of the architects of the war that ousted Saddam Hussein, arrived in Iraq on Friday for a three-day visit.

He said the U.S.-led coalition was achieving success in stabilizing Iraq despite actions of "criminals who are trying to destabilize this country." He described them as "a few who refuse to accept the reality" of the new Iraq.

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