And while I'm reading Orcinus

by Prometheus 6
October 29, 2003 - 9:29am.
on Random rant

Let me point out this post:

Can anyone tell me why, though we have a national Holocaust Museum (which is, incidentally, a place every American should visit), a museum devoted to slavery does not even exist?

Oh. Wait. I know why:

Deep South slave shrine stirs old hatreds: Plans for a unique museum are placed on hold in the face of death threats from white supremacists, reports David Rennie in Gulfport, Mississippi

... Dr Jones would like to see the museum set up in the South. "That's going to take someone mighty brave, even prepared to cost themselves a political career."

Rip Daniels, a businessman and broadcaster and the Pettys' most prominent black backer, fears the costs for the couple could be still higher. "What Jim has here is heresy," he said. "These objects show that African Americans did not acquiesce, that they did not submit graciously."

Mr Daniels, who owns a local radio station and is one of its presenters, believes that defiant white Southerners are increasingly denying the reality of slavery.

"When you talk to the Sons of Confederate Veterans, they don't talk about actual historical events, they talk of the 'southern gentleman', of how he must have been."

To Mr Daniels, whites have two choices. "They can justify their ancestors, or they can accept that they participated in a horrible episode of American history" he said. "As an African-American, I have to accept that some of my ancestors were in chains."

Rip Daniels has received death threats himself, including a postcard of a lynching, with the message, "You're next".

Even better is the "minister" that wrote this tripe

Pair to give their ?biblical? defense of practice at U of I conference

... "Slavery as it existed in the South was not an adversarial relationship with pervasive racial animosity," the booklet reads. "Because of its dominantly patriarchal character, it was a relationship based upon mutual affection and confidence. There has never been a multi-racial society which has existed with such mutual intimacy and harmony in the history of the world."

If by "intimacy" he means rape and by "harmony" he means brutal suppression, yeah it was intimate and harmonious.

Buy a fucking clue. Picture you great grandparents in that condition, fucking fools. And I can see you feeling it all worked well for YOUR forebears, but Black folks HATED those lazy, cheating, lying, selfish, violent, brutal, manipulating, collaborating-even-when-not-actually-holding-the-whip mother fuckers. And if you believe otherwise, you are either self-deluding or just plain stupid.

Now. Any confederate flag flying bastard got something to say? Because if you want to claim it's all about the culture, you betta understand what that culture really was before you step to me. To claim your culture wasn't about suppressing Black folks is like claiming your house has nothing to do with the basement it's on, the ground the foundation is sunk into.

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Submitted by terry (not verified) on October 29, 2003 - 2:35pm.

that's can I get involved? I want this museum built in my lifetime. No...I want this museum built in the next ten years. This is a cause I can get behind and remain behind it for as long as it takes. Those people do need a fucking clue and I ain't scared of them.

Submitted by P6 (not verified) on October 29, 2003 - 5:28pm.

You can look up the Pettys, the folks who own the artifacts and want to build the museum.I can suggest checking out federal and private grants and helping them apply for the grants. There may be other creative ways of helping. For some reason, a set of high quality photographs of the entire collection, marketed to university history departments sticks in my head.