I changed my mind

by Prometheus 6
October 29, 2003 - 10:19am.
on Seen online

I was going to say Digby fileted Lord Saleton. But then I read his view of George Lakoff's framing the Conservative/Progressive axis as Strict Father/Nurturing Parent…though as he say, nuturing mother is the more accurate way of saying it.

Since Saleton's statement was all fat and no bone, "filet" is the wrong image. So:
Digby sliced up Lord Saleton's attempt to denigrate Clark by equating Kosovo and Iraqi.

Now I think I'll give some thought to how Progressives can frame issues this Presidential season.

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Submitted by mark safranski (not verified) on October 29, 2003 - 1:05pm.

The whole " Father "/ "Mother " analysis of politics originated with Jude Wanniski in his book The Way the World Works - at least that's my earliest notation of the concept.