But you've figured that out by now

A couple of things have been pulling me away from the keyboard.My daughter got a new computer, which means I had to go over yesterday, pull the hard drive off the old one and slot it into the new one. Thing is, she's got one of the 160gig drives that actually doesn't use the IDE interface (you do NOT want to know the detailed configuration of this box). And, I don't know why, but the groove they used to put on the IDE socket to make sure the cable ain't backward wasn't there. This made a difference because we weren't sure exactly WHY the old beast died. We only know she had more data (artwork, fiction, a couple of preliminary gamer web site designs, mpegs) than she wanted to lose.

And after sorting out the cabling, during the long process of copying some 60 gigs of stuff, I get to move the TV and reconnect the digital cable box, the TiVo, the DVD player and the gaming console (I honestly don't remember if it was an XBox or Playstation II, which shows you how little I play games).

Today has been "blow shit off" day. I haven't sought out posting topics at all. There's a couple of posts out there on the BlogNet that caught my attention. Maybe I'll do one of those linkage posts tomorrow. Maybe not…you'll note that, in general, when I link to something it's because I have something to say about it.

Tomorrow I go back to the kid's place to move all the stuff off the laptop I lent her. And sometime in the near future I get to install a new motherboard in the old box and put all the other stuff back in. Her mom gets all her hand-me-down computers.

And all the while I'm planning and piecing together my desktop client for MT. Plus I owe a couple of people a couple of posts…even though my concern about the mystery ActiveX component is unresolved (I have no problems admitting a manageable paranoia). And I'm VERY distracted by concerns about the shape of the two years—a totally apolitical concern, btw.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on November 5, 2003 - 3:34pm :: About me, not you