On Neanderthal philosophy

by Prometheus 6
November 13, 2003 - 10:39am.
on Seen online

I was more than willing to let Kim DuToit's absurdity (you know which one I'm talking about) pass into obscurity, but Ampersand at Alas, A Blog has perhaps the second best response to it I've seen.

…The du Toits of the world have always been with us; before my parents were born, people like du Toit were panicking over the exact same thing. (That's why the Boy Scouts were originally created, to counteract the alleged feminization of the Western male all those decades ago).

For me, arguing about if "pussification" of the Western male is taking place would be like arguing about if Jesus Christ was lord. It might be entertaining, but there's absolutely zero chance of changing any minds. Du Toit is coming from a position of faith, not a position of evidence.

Frankly, I hope that du Toit's right, and that the West is being hopelessly pussified.

…Let me tell you, the Nazi party was anti-pussy. The kids who beat me up in the schoolyard were anti-pussy. The guys who killed Matthew Shepherd were anti-pussy. The KKK was anti-pussy - by bravely getting together in mobs and killing individual black people, they proved what men they were. The crusaders were not pussies, and neither were the Japanese when they attacked Pearl Harbor. Jack the Ripper was no pussy. Truman was no pussy, and if you don't believe it just visit Hiroshima. Andrew Jackson wasn't a pussy, either.

Hitler: not a pussy.

Stalin: not a pussy.

Charles Manson: Not a pussy.

Wouldn't it have been great if all these guys had been through pussification, though? Wouldn't history have been immeasurably improved?

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Submitted by phelps (not verified) on November 13, 2003 - 5:17pm.

Hitler: not a pussy.Stalin: not a pussy. Charles Manson: Not a pussy. Wouldn't it have been great if all these guys had been through pussification, though? Wouldn't history have been immeasurably improved?

Hitler: MarxistStalin: MarxistManson: MarxistWouldn't it have been great if these guys had all been free-marketers? Wouldn't history have been immeasurably improved?(No, not really. In either case.)

Submitted by Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on November 14, 2003 - 12:48pm.

Aha! I knew it would all turn out to be the left's fault after all! And yes, every liberal should be tarred with the brush of the most extreme elements. Like I said in another thread. Nucking futs.It's amazing how the right-wingers who come here prove by their own behavior the very things they try to deny.

Submitted by phelps (not verified) on November 15, 2003 - 12:21pm.

How am I saying that it is the left wing's fault when I explicitly say that it isn't true in either case?