I guess Tech is the appropriate category, though Random Rant was a contender.
Blogrolling.com was hacked. I wouldn't have noticed right away, but SPN at http://Soulphoto.net hipped me to it.
Unfortunately, I had been too lazy to move my Blogrolling.com links to a template module like the other guys. And there was a whole bag of them, so it's going to take a while to reconstruct. If you have an RSS feed or a link I can pick up via the TTLB Ecosystem or Technorati I'll definitely find you.
I was strongly considering setting up a links blog and using that to handle my blogroll. This may accelerate that, though I have to weigh it against the other half completed projects I have going.
At any rate, it'll be a couple of days before I deal with this properly…by which I mean setting up a "disaster recovery" procedure for P6.
UPDATE: The list is back. However, you'll note (or not...) the statement about finding another blogrollong method remains.