
by Prometheus 6
November 17, 2003 - 11:10am.
on Tech

I guess Tech is the appropriate category, though Random Rant was a contender. was hacked. I wouldn't have noticed right away, but SPN at hipped me to it.

Unfortunately, I had been too lazy to move my links to a template module like the other guys. And there was a whole bag of them, so it's going to take a while to reconstruct. If you have an RSS feed or a link I can pick up via the TTLB Ecosystem or Technorati I'll definitely find you.

I was strongly considering setting up a links blog and using that to handle my blogroll. This may accelerate that, though I have to weigh it against the other half completed projects I have going.

At any rate, it'll be a couple of days before I deal with this properly…by which I mean setting up a "disaster recovery" procedure for P6.

UPDATE: The list is back. However, you'll note (or not...) the statement about finding another blogrollong method remains.

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Submitted by Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on November 17, 2003 - 12:51pm.

Considering how many people using, the people who run it have an awful lot of motivation to fix the problem.When I first signed up with Blogrolling, it allowed me to create multiple blogrolls. Then recently, they cut off access to all but one of the blogrolls. I switched over to using a template module for one of the ones I can no longer access, because I wanted to update it. I also saved the code for the other one I can no longer access. I guess it's time to set up a template module for that too.As for the third blogroll, the one that I could still access, that one I'll have to wait until the service comes back up.Disaster recovery plans are Very Good Things.

Submitted by Stephen (not verified) on November 17, 2003 - 1:12pm.

Jason, at blogrolling said that it was a coding mistake to allow a user multiple free accounts. All of the others apparent;y still work, although editing them has now been suspended.That come from the "news" section at, I read several instances in the past few months were users had been hacked. Those users had their dbs reinstated fairly soon after the links were discovered to be changed.SPN

Submitted by Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on November 18, 2003 - 2:23pm.

Yeah, that's what I had heard. At the time that I created them, there didn't appear to be any restriction against it, so I went ahead and did it.I've now switched both of them over to template modules. Of course, since I can't access those blogrolls, I also can't delete them from the system.