Gay Marriages legal in Massachusetts

by Prometheus 6
November 18, 2003 - 10:23am.
on News

I just heard on NBC News that the Massachusetts state Supreme Court has ruled gay marriages must receive the same recognition as hetrosexual marriage. The decision is based on the state's constitution which forbids the creation of second class citizens.

Those distant explosions you hear are the heads of a number of right wingers.


  1. CNN says the court has sent the issue to the state legislature rather than ordering the issuance of the marriage license(s?) that is(are?) at the root of the case.
  2. Watching CNN, it occurs to me that the cure for PTS (Political Tourette Syndrome) is to modify O'Reilly's technique and mute the microphone of the person who's turn itr is to shut up and let the other person talk
  3. You folks on the religious right should relax and let folks choose to go to hell if they want. According to your scriptures, there's not enough slots on the other side of The Rapture for everyone anyway

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No more shall interesting things be allowed to occur when I have work to do. I was so distracted this......

Submitted by Natalie Davis (not verified) on November 18, 2003 - 3:06pm.

#3: LOL!!!

Submitted by DesertJo (not verified) on November 18, 2003 - 6:28pm.

i completely agree with #3, but apparently, some of them think they have to personally save X number of souls to ensure they can get their guaranteed seats on that Rapture bandwagon, so they proselytize loudly, and keep score of the converted...