Scaring Up Votes
First came the pre-emptive military policy. Now comes the pre-emptive campaign strategy.
Before the president even knows his opponent, his first political ad is blanketing Iowa today.
"It would take one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known," Mr. Bush says, in a State of the Union clip.
Well, that's a comforting message from our commander in chief. Do we really need his cold, clammy hand on our spine at a time when we're already rattled by fresh terror threats at home and abroad? When we're chilled by the metastasizing Al Qaeda, the resurgent Taliban and Baathist thugs armed with deadly booby traps; the countless, nameless terror groups emerging in Turkey, Morocco, Indonesia and elsewhere; the vicious attacks on Americans, Brits, aid workers and their supporters in Iraq, Afghanistan and Turkey? The latest illustration of the low-tech ingenuity of Iraqi foes impervious to our latest cascade of high-tech missiles: a hapless, singed donkey that carted rockets to a Baghdad hotel.
Yet the Bush crowd is seizing the moment to scare us even more.
The proper response: point out all the money Bush has been given to act, all the cooperation the Democrats in Congress have given him on defense and counterterrorism, so "when even Mr. Bush's own campaign ads say you're no safer now as a result, ask yourself—whose fault is that?"
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