It's a thought …Actually mandatory

by Prometheus 6
May 6, 2003 - 3:12pm.
on Old Site Archive

It's a thought …

Actually mandatory DNA testing is a damn good thought, given the now-proven unreliability of eye witness testimony.

via The Blacklist
Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 15:36:04 -0700
From: [email protected]
Subject: Black Attorneys

Hotep Descendants of Enslaved Africans:

What an opportune time for Black Attorneys to step up to the bat!

In the Scott Peterson hearing this morning -- the case that might take O.J. Simpson off the screen -- Peterson's "high profile" attorney spoke up and got his client's handcuffs and jail "couture" replaced with European designers clothing.

Remember how a black Supreme Court Justice of New York, the legendary Judge Bruce Wright (author of Black Robes, White Justice) told us why this legal system doesn't work for Blacks in America? We are all familiar with unfair bail practices, the status of our Constitution, affirmative action (for white women), the power of the police and most importantly the unbalanced racial mixture of the jury.

How do we take this Scott Peterson/Modesto moment to get the National Bar Association (black attorneys) to demand that the courts cease and desist in the oppressive practice of parading accused black prisoners in front of the public and potential jury pools in jail jumpsuits and chains? Since suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty. I remember when the cops broke up a regional meeting of black newspaper publishers to arrest a black publisher and even his wife
for some alleged transgression, yanked out of a newspaper publishers meeting in chains. Can you imagine dragging the publisher of the New York Times or whatnot out in chains?

And while we're addressing our legal eagles, we must remember that the strength of the lion is in the pack and we're coming to a point where black attorneys collectively will have to step up to the plate and tell as how we should get behind them to require that everyone arrested should have full access to DNA testing wherever it's relevant or applies. DNA testing should be administered before any trial that might waste taxpayers' money and destroy families through the erroneous incarcertions of too many black men.

Let's cut to the chase and get ready to collar every black lawyer we know to get the ball rolling.

Until liberation,
Julia Hare
Co-author with Nathan Hare of The Black Agenda
1801 Bush Street, Suite 118
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415-474-1707
Fax: 415-771-3485

( || ) * Be informed, be in touch, be in step and be on time ( || )

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/6/2003 03:12:44 PM |