Comments on today's NY Times

by Prometheus 6
May 6, 2003 - 4:23pm.
on Old Site Archive

Comments on today's NY Times editorials

My initial response to these editorials was, "A last. An approach to the truth. " I have gotten so tired of the lying (the regime) selling out (the media) and equivocating (Hans Blix, though surprisingly Mohamed El Baradei did not) that got us into a war. Tired of the ongoing coronation of Dubya. These editorials, though they continue talking about "suspicions," are pretty real about the situation in the USofA.

Sometimes I think the way to go is to return force for force. Crank up the rhetoric, attack. Philosophically I'm closer to Malcolm X than Martin Luther King, Jr. when it comes to responding to an attack.

But dammit. As tired as I am of hearing "Ah havva DREEEM today!" as though that were all the man ever said, I can't not listen when it plays. And I have an MPs of the speech, so it gets played.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/6/2003 04:23:56 PM |