Interesting people IV

by Prometheus 6
December 5, 2003 - 6:27pm.
on Seen online

I decided to comment on Jeremy's other post individually (hey, you know blogs read backward…).

When I Was A Child

I was talking online to an old friend from HS the other day and she was telling me about people giving her a hard time about not going to her church service. She's involved in the church, goes to the sunday school classes, teaches a Bible study, and stays in regular fellowship with all of them there, but that seemingly still isn't enough for some of them. Her reasons for skipping out on the regular service seem valid enough... She has a hard time following the preacher, she thinks he's kinda convoluted and rarely uses scripture. So she spends that time reading and studying on her own time. So of course I told her i didn't think she was doing anything wrong, and as long as she was growing in her relationship with Christ, that she was on the right track... (sadly, her friends never even ask how her relationship with Christ is going, they are too caught up in legalistic details, but i don't want to get off on that.)

After a few minutes of making her feel confident about her actions i tell her that there is, of course, a "but" to this whole issue. She may not be wrong, but... is she ready to go deeper? Is she ready for the meat instead of the milk? Is she ready to move past being a spiritual baby and onto being of full age in Christ? Obviously, she is seeking a deeper relationship with Him, so i knew the answer was already yes. So i threw her the verse:

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Heb 5:12-14

Sounds wonderful doesn't it? Solid food belongs to those who are of full age and have their senses exercised to discern... and through deductive reasoning, you can also say that those who partake in solid food are skilled in the word of righteousness... and this should be exciting to someone who has found themselves moving past the milk, and to the meat.

But... (and finally here's the real 'but') if you have the meat, you ought to be teachers. This really makes you reflect. I dont think there is anyone that would say they only want milk, but are you willing to step up and teach someone?

I think the real "but" is not just whether one is willing to step up but whether or not they are capable.

There's a real problem with evangelicals fielding unqualified teachers, in my opinion. This is NOT a scriptural problem…the scripture tells you to spread the Gospel and that's fine…if you know what the Gospel is. Too damn much feel-good is taken to be Gospel, folks.

The Truth Shall Set You Free. But it might not make you comfortable. How do you know it's the truth? It's simple. The truth, that is.


Accepting the truth is the only way to be able to change the truth. Accepting the truth is difficult sometimes. We often want things to be other than what they are, and that desire makes us search for evidence that something hidden will come to light and prove things were the way we expected them to be all along.

Meanwhile, had we just accepted events as they happened, unpleasant as they may be, we would have been freed immediately to work on changing things.

Choosing which truth to accept and which to reject is just as bad as rejecting all the truth. We accept pleasant truths and deny unpleasant ones. Or we accept unpleasant truths and deny pleasant ones - you know people that do that, don't you? Go on, tell the truth.

How do you know what the truth is, though?

It's easy, really. Much easier than most would have you believe. The only reason anyone would have you think otherwise is so that they can think otherwise and not be exposed.

Be awake. Pay attention. Ignore nothing that happens to you. Instead of acting as though things will turn out as you expect, give your best effort to make it turn out as you choose. And watch to see how it actually turns out, each action. You'll be wrong at first, because by rejecting the truth in the past, you learned the wrong ideas about how the world works. And it will be painful sometimes. But pain is as much a part of life as joy is…that's the truth.

But as you remain alert, as you stay aware, as you stop explaining away the difference between your expectations and events, you learn. And as you learn, the truth becomes clearer. And you feel strong enough to handle whatever pain comes to you.

But you're actually no stronger than you ever were. You just stop wasting your strength on the imaginary, unnecessary battles that result from denying the truth.

Takes a while to burn off the fog. But if you haven't gone through the process, no matter how much joy you feel you ain't qualified to teach.

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Submitted by jeremy (not verified) on December 8, 2003 - 4:12pm.

Most of the Feel-Good is just the milk anyway, is it not? So unqualified teachers "teaching" the feel-good is just churning out milk to a bunch of "make-me-feel-good-or-i'll-whine" christians... There is definitely a time for milk. You have to start somewhere. But we very rarely move on from the milk. The Truth is both satisfying and uncomfortable. Most people stop hearing the Truth before it becomes uncomfortable. The meat of the matter is the uncomfortable part. Knowing and understanding [what i perceive to be] the truth often sucks, because it requires responsibility and sacrifice. Sometimes i think ignorance really is bliss.As for being unqualified, though... from a Christian stand-point (and realize, i just found this through a trackback i have no clue about what you believe) having a TRUE relationship with the God of this universe is enough qualification... Now, i'm not naive. There are tons of unqualified people out there blowing smoke trying to teach, but speaking words that you heard in Sunday school and speaking words that are given to you through relationship with the Creator is where the sepeartion occurs.What process are you referencing? Are you saying that we need to go through some crap and come out on the other side in order to be qualified? While it applies on a natural level, it doesn't necessarily translate to a supernatural level. While i agree too many people think they have something to say, when they really don't have a clue what they're talking about, we have a different definition of what qualifies someone. (p.s. - any joy i feel is due to all that i have come through and come out of.)

Submitted by P6 (not verified) on December 8, 2003 - 5:40pm.

Jeremy:The process goes like this1- Let go of error2- Recognize that part of your world that no longer exists because it was propped up by error3- Learn how things look without the errorAs long as you see error + God, don't teach.