California quake

by Prometheus 6
December 23, 2003 - 11:39am.
on News

6.5 quake razes landmark, kills two in Paso Robles
Alan Gathright, Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Staff Writers
Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County -- When the earth heaved and the 111-year-old building began to wobble, life or death came down to which door you picked to run through.

The door onto 12th Street led to safety. The door onto Park Street did not.

The 1892 Mastagni Building -- a two-story landmark with a 15-foot-high clock tower on top and unreinforced masonry on its front -- was full of customers and employees of a dress store and a jewelry store.

As the rolling vibration built to a roar, eight customers and five employees inside Pan Jewelers turned to 62-year-old owner Nick Sherwin, one of the civic leaders whose efforts led to the preservation of the old building and the historic shopping district.

"They were looking at me, and I just said, it's time to get out, no ifs ands or buts,'' Sherwin said.

The customers and staff fled through the 12th Street door.

But nearby, two women in Ann's Dress Shop tried to run out through the Park Street door.

As they did, the roof and the clock tower collapsed on top of them, crushing them. They were identified as Marilyn Zafuto, 55, of Paso Robles, and Jennifer Myrick, 19, of Atascadero.

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