Maybe we nuked them

by Prometheus 6
December 30, 2003 - 6:40am.
on News

That would explain both the earthquake and the new attitude…

U.S. Warms to Prospect Of New Talks With Iran

By Robin Wright
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 30, 2003; Page A01

The United States is open to restoring a dialogue with Iran after "encouraging" moves by the Islamic republic in recent months, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said yesterday.

Iranian leaders have agreed to allow surprise inspections of the country's nuclear energy program, have made overtures to moderate Arab governments and, in the past week, have accepted direct U.S. help as the country struggles with the effects of a devastating earthquake.

"There are things happening, and therefore we should keep open the possibility of dialogue at an appropriate point in the future," Powell, who is recovering from surgery for prostate cancer, said in an interview. "All of those things taken together show, it seems to me, a new attitude in Iran in dealing with these issues -- not one of total, open generosity. But they realize that the world is watching and the world is prepared to take action."

Powell's public assessment comes as the administration is reviewing its policy on Iran for the third time since President Bush took office, other U.S. officials said.

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Submitted by Phelps (not verified) on January 2, 2004 - 1:13am.

Can't hide a nuke from the seismologists. After all, they are the ones who broke the story on the new Mach 8 plane they are flying out of Colorado over to the Pacific (clocked it by the sonic booms.)When it comes time to take care of them, if it were up to me I would do my damnedest to make it look like a "work accident." It puts the blame on them, and it gives you an example to point to the next time you find an idiot regime with a Fisher Price "My First Breeder Reactor" kit (Made in China).