Man, I'm not sure what set Aaron off

by Prometheus 6
December 30, 2003 - 10:49pm.
on Race and Identity

…but he's in rare form.

I've been given to understand that the Civil War War Between the States was unnecessary, because eventually capitalist-driven technological developments would have made slavery economically unfeasible.

Realize it's hard to put yourself in someone else's shoes, but how would you feel if you knew the only reason your ass wasn't in chains is because it was "economically unfeasible."

Not because you were a fucking human being as deserving of liberty as the melanin-impaired. Not because you lived in a nation that claimed long and loud to anyone paying attention -- and anyone who isn't -- that it's a beacon of liberty, a shining city on a hill, etc. fucking etc.

Because it was "economically unfeasible."

That people will actually say that shit to my face tells me we have a long way to go.

Then again, Star Parker can do that to you.

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Submitted by Sovereign Eye (not verified) on December 31, 2003 - 12:08am.

I've never understood why people believed that slavery would have ultimately been rendered extinct in the USA for reasons of economic forces. My knowledge of human nature, and of the American people, refutes that notion absolutely.

Submitted by ronn (not verified) on December 31, 2003 - 1:08am.

The fact that de facto slavery continued for several generations after the 13th Amendment puts that lie to shame. Or at least it should.

Submitted by Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on December 31, 2003 - 2:01am.

Ditto to what everybody above me said.

Submitted by P6 (not verified) on December 31, 2003 - 10:51am.

Actually, economic considerations would have ended slavery eventually. You folks underestimate the impact of capitalism-as-religion.I's just that we'd only be getting around to it nowadays, in my opinion. Not to mention that (again, in my opinion) such would have even further ingrained racism--we wouldn't have been "freed," we'd have been disposed of as ineffective.

Submitted by Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on December 31, 2003 - 1:49pm.

I see your point but I think that we would just have adapted a new form of slavery. Look at the economic exploitation that capitalism-as-religion is increasingly bringing about today. I think it would be similar to the "freedom" that ex-slaves experienced under Jim Crow. That is to say, in little more than name. That's cheap labor conservatives for you.

Submitted by mark safranski (not verified) on December 31, 2003 - 5:50pm.

The academic debate over the economics of slavery and the effect that Northern capitalism might have had on Southern chattel slavery absent the Civil War has been going on for -oh- fifty years. I don't think there are *any* historians of the antebellum period be they Left, Right, White, Black, Foreign, American, whatever who have not thought, written and argued about the subject in detail.

Submitted by Phelps (not verified) on January 2, 2004 - 12:49am.

I don't think that economic reasons solely would have been needed, because the abolitionist movement had a good head of steam at the time of the War, and to mangle a quote that I can't place, 'there is nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come.'On the other hand, it was economics that truly ended slavery including the de facto slavery of Jim Crow. It wasn't that you couldn't make money oppressing people -- it was that the oppressed people were getting money, and people with money don't stay oppressed for long. There are other people who want a shot at that money who will deal with them, if they have enough money to dictate terms.The key to freeing a people is to teach them how to get rich. (The wealth gain has to be sustainable, or they just get swindled out if it right off the bat and they are back to square one.) That is my main worry for freedom in Iraq -- when the oil dollars run out because crude is made obsolete (either by lack of demand, or because the organic production methods are perfected) then they are going to be missing the money part of freedom if they don't have something to fall back on, and then they will be right back into totalitarianism.