Wasn't Sharon talking about pulling back from the illegal settlements?

by Prometheus 6
January 2, 2004 - 9:38am.
on News

Israel to add settlers in Golan
Syria protests plans for big expansion in annexed territory
Craig S. Smith, New York Times
Thursday, January 1, 2004
©2004 San Francisco Chronicle

Jerusalem -- Israel plans a major expansion of Jewish settlements in the Golan Heights, the government confirmed Wednesday. The announcement angered Syria, from which Israel seized the territory in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

The plan, approved two weeks ago and disclosed Tuesday, comes just two months after Syria's president, Bashar Assad, called for renewed peace talks between his country and Israel.

Israeli government officials said the expansion plan had been in the works for months and denied that its approval was intended as a response to Assad's vague proposal, made during an interview with the New York Times.

Assad said in the interview that he wished to resume talks, broken off nearly three years ago, on returning the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for security guarantees to Israel.

But the Israeli agriculture minister, Yisrael Katz, who heads the government's settlement committee, told Israeli radio and television Wednesday that the plan was meant to send Assad the message that "the Golan is an inseparable part of the State of Israel, and we have no intention to give up our hold."

Katz's spokesman, Benni Romm, said late Wednesday that "the message for the terrorist, Assad," is that there is a cost for "his harboring terrorists." In October Israel attacked what it described as a terrorist training camp in Syria.

The expansion plans would pour about $90 million into existing settlements in the 720-square-mile territory and bring in 900 Jewish families over the next three years. The investment would focus on developing agriculture and tourism. The new settlers would increase the number of Israelis in the thinly populated highland area by about a quarter.

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Submitted by Kamau (not verified) on January 2, 2004 - 4:26pm.

Sharon is a war criminal, racist and a world-class liar who speaks with a forked tongue. Nothing he says regarding the Palestinian issue can be taken at face value.

Submitted by Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on January 2, 2004 - 5:31pm.

As long as Israel keeps building settlements, I don't see how there will be peace. There's no possible justification for it either, there's no way to argue that it somehow prevents terrorism. But I'm sure that the whole thing will be blamed on the Palestinians somehow.

Submitted by Sovereign Eye (not verified) on January 2, 2004 - 10:10pm.

The Isreali people are no more, nor less culpable in their viciousness than any people on earth. Sharon, Bush, Arafat, Murdoch, Disney, Lockheed, et. al., .. they are ALL us, like it or not. The lever to the overthrow of their ignorance is extreme, cunning intelligence, applied non-violently. The reasonable question, is, therefore: where to begin? Anyone have any idea's?

Submitted by mark safranski (not verified) on January 3, 2004 - 1:41am.

The Golan does not have anything to do with the Palestinians, having been formerly owned by Syria. Israel annexed the Golan Heights when having " the high ground " meant more militarily before the spread of ballistic missile technology and when Syria was far stronger and had Soviet backing. (The Syrians, incidentally, used to shell Israelis back in the day from the Golan more or less because they could)Today Israel could probably give up the Golan without impinging on it's security if the Assad regime could be counted on to make a durable peace. That's a rather large if though - even if Assad was sincere, of which I'm highly dubious, I wouldn't bank on his regime surviving the next five years

Submitted by Sovereign Eye (not verified) on January 3, 2004 - 3:26am.

It seem's to me that the Likud party are imperialists. Am I wrong? If I am, explain to me why, please. You might convince me. Don't give me any jazz about biblical real estate. I believe that the state boundary of 1948 is one that the U.S.A. is honor bound to defend. All territory Isreal thereafter claims as her own is a fiction of her own conceit and greed.