Koufax Awards

by Prometheus 6
January 8, 2004 - 10:05pm.
on Seen online

Well, I'm feeling a bit guilty because I've only mentioned the Koufax Awards in passing but I found out today I got three nominations: Best Post (Where We Stand), Best Series (the Startin' Stuff reparations series - the link at Wampum goes to the first entry, which I imported from Blogger. This link goes to an archive of all the posts and comments from that series) and Most Deserving of Wider Recognition. I know Al-M submitted Where We Stand, and Colorado Luis nominated me for wider recognition. To them, and the mystery nominator (who last month had the taste to pick one I would picked myself without even asking),as well as mslauren, I give a hearty, heartfelt "Aw, shucks…"

Thing is, there was a LOT of good progressive writing out there, and the field needs winnowing. There are 36 Best Blog nominations, 80 Best Post nominations, 29 Best Single Issue Blog nominees, 36 Most Humorous Blog nominations (including some that are really questionable), 31 Best Series nominations (NONE of which are questionable), 17 Best Non-Liberal Blog nominees, 38 Best Writing nominees, 29 Best Group Blog nominees, and 30 Most Deserving of Wider Recognition nominees. And since I counted them on the screen I'm not promising I didn't drop one or two.

It is not realistic to suggest anyone read all those blogs. But since you now have a nice neat list of links to all the nomination categories in one place I do suggest you save this post, pick two or three categories, and try out two or three blogs that are unfamiliar to you. Part of the idea of the awards is to let folks know what's out there; though I wasn't part of the selection process, I'm pretty sure that's why all the nominees are linked over there.

Anyway, you should submit a couple of votes here and there (I mean, beyond the three I was nominated for) and try a random few new to you nominee blogs.

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Submitted by Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on January 9, 2004 - 1:05am.

If you're willing to go through the Wampum archives for the original posts announcing the Koufax awards, you may find the mystery nominator in the comments. Of course, they could also have submitted their nominations by email, but I have a vague idea that I might have seen it in the comments.Congratulations, by the way, on the nominations. I'm only listed because as a joke I nominated myself. Otherwise, nobody cares about my blog :-(