The Black Commentator has a new cartoonist

by Prometheus 6
January 11, 2004 - 9:03am.
on News


The article has a link to the whole cartoon, which is pointed and on point.

Honest, well-intentioned people begin the New Year with resolutions. Bush Republicans start every year as they ended the last, with outrageous lies. Black mercenaries in the service of corporate dollars are available on any date to say anything, no matter how nonsensical, as long as they get paid.

Thus the Sunday, January 4 edition of the Washington Post exhibited a political fantasy so bizarre and without foundation, that it carried a disclaimer in the title. “Black Votes – No GOP Fantasy,” announced the headline to Jonetta Rose Barras’ opinion piece, which attempted to lend credibility to “the GOP's announced goal of winning 25 percent of the African American vote in 2004.” Barras then strung together the same flimsy set of false assumptions and contorted logic employed by other corporate hirelings to prove the absurd proposition that in order to retain Black loyalties Democrats must turn to the right.

Barras is, to put it bluntly, a hack for the bipartisan businessmen’s project to create the impression that political conservatism is on the rise among a “new” and “emerging” class of educated, upwardly mobile African Americans. It does not matter to corporate media – and certainly not to hustlers like Barras – that there is no evidence of such a phenomenon among the Black voting public. Big media’s mission is to create their own set of facts, treat them as if they are true, and convince the rest of us to act accordingly.

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Submitted by phelps (not verified) on January 11, 2004 - 1:18pm.

Barras is, to put it bluntly, a hack for the bipartisan businessmen’s project to create the impression that political conservatism is on the rise among a “new” and “emerging” class of educated, upwardly mobile African Americans.

Are those scare quotes supposed to mean that there isn't any increase in the number of educated, upwardly mobile blacks in America? It sure looks like a slam to me.

Submitted by P6 (not verified) on January 11, 2004 - 2:01pm.

The scare quotes mean the class isn't new.

Submitted by phelps (not verified) on January 11, 2004 - 4:35pm.

That still doesn't discount the "emerging" quip. The whole thing reads like a massive outlaying of contempt for anyone who dares to "act white."

Submitted by P6 (not verified) on January 11, 2004 - 5:08pm.

If the class isn't new it can't be emerging either, Phelps. The "new" and "emerging" terminology discounts those who are already in the class…who overwhelmingly reject Republican dogma.

Submitted by A Black Libertarian (not verified) on October 2, 2004 - 5:06am.

Being a NON-republican I am not hesitant to tell you that I followed the links and read it all and the fact is that this article was a bunch of crap... it had no bisis in fact and was full of crap, ie: socialist liberal hate-speech for all conservatives of any color, creed or party and also a little bit anti-semetic too. It is not even a real democrat view point, it's all from a socialist liberal view point and not representative of most mainstream democrat voters at all. These guys are registered as democrats but are really there to make the party more socialist as much as they can because if you sing the right tune with the right buzz words a dummycrat will follow you right off the cliff like the mindless lemming he is.

And if you are black and anti-socialist they these marxist henchmen are all too glad to lie about you by calling you a corporate paid black mercanary bought and paid for by the republican party.

Well in MY case I am a LIBERTARIAN sitting here now and calling you a socialist liberal liar, homey. So now whatcha gonna do? you can't say GOP this and Republican that because I am Libertarian and we don't like you wanting all us blacks dependant of the government so ou can keep us under control like a certain Orwellian novel (1984) predicted. You aint "mah-brotha" you are "BIG-Brotha". You are "THE MAN". You are the big bad wolf J. Edgar Hoover coming to us disguised in Black Panther pajamas. But we FREEMEN aint buyin' it, man. You're BUSTED!

God bless Larry Elder, Ward Connerly and all other black men who refuse to be henchmen for the devil against their own byu trying to get us to accept homosexuality and kill our unborn babies so we STAY a minority just as the genbuine and certified American-nazi Margret Sanger admitted in her own book was her REAL reason for founding Planned Parenthood! And you lemmings just keep on voting for homosexuality and baby-killing to continue because you keep electing homo-hugging baby-killers like Maxine Waters and Kwaze Infume and keep hating on good brothers such as Alan Keyes, a black man who most blacks do not even know ran for president TWICE in the 20th Century. How come you don't TELL blacks to vote for Alan Keyes? Not because of his party, but because of his GODLY MORALS which are against the laws of socialism (AKA "The Communist Manifesto").

Getcher hat and scat, minister of Satan. YOU are the real sell-outs by leading your own people away from God and Salvation and closer to damnation in Hell. But many of us refuse to abandon God's word for your BS. We are not the mindless robots you would like us to be. And THAT is what's REALLY goin' on!

Kick rocks, buster. We don't wanna work for Uncle Sam's Plantation and be uncle Tom's for the government MATRIX like you are doing. YOU are the REAL serpent in the garden! BEGONE FOOL!


Too Godly ( be your good-4-nothing absentee daddy... oops, I mean sperm donor)

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 2, 2004 - 11:57am.

So you're a Libertarian.