There will be no monocultural nations

by Prometheus 6
January 11, 2004 - 9:09am.
on News

Israel to take all Ethiopian Jews

The Israeli Government are to speed up the moving of the remaining 18,000 Ethiopian Jews to the Middle East.

However, the emigration of the Falasha Mura community would not start next week as had earlier been reported, says Israel's foreign ministry.

Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom admitted at the end of a two-day Ethiopia visit, that the issue was a complex one.

The Falasha Mura are the last remaining Jewish community in Ethiopia and have long been persecuted for their beliefs.

The last mass emigration of Ethiopian Jews to Israel was in 1991.

There are around 80,000 Ethiopian Jews living in Israel, many of them airlifted there during times of crisis.

Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin, speaking alongside Mr Shalom, said a mass migration was not needed as Ethiopians were free to travel wherever they wished.

"The Ethiopian Government has no objection for the Ethiopian Jews to travel to Israel," he said, but added that "in today's Ethiopia, there is no need for an organised intervention as in the 1980s and 1990s".

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Submitted by Tiru Abbat Mariam: Menelik III (Ras Nebi (not verified) on October 2, 2004 - 4:23am.


I must respond to the above article with some important information:

1: We do not like being called Falsha (an arabic slur meaning "the aliens" or "the strangers" equal to calling a mexican national a "wetback") or Falash-Mura (a combo of the arabic slur "falasha" with the "Mura", the Amharic word for "merciful" tacked on the end used only for Messianic Ethiopian Jews).

The correct term for us is Bete Yahuda Etiopi (which in English is House of Ethiopian Jews) or Bete Kristian Yahuda Ethiopi (which in English is "House of Messianic Ethiopian Jews").

2: What is the use of going to Israel? Ethiopia is "NEW Judah", because wherever God commissions to be the home of the Ark of the Covenant containing the stone tablets of Torah (which Moshe received from the ETERNAL on Mt. Sinai), that place IS Yahuda (Judah) and sometime in between the final seperation of Israel from Yahuda and the beginning of the Babylonian captivity of Yahuda, the ETERNAL told King Shlomo (Solomon) that as puniushment for Shlomo allowing some of his other foreign wives to entice him into worshipping their false gods with them, for this sin the ETERNAL sentenced Yahuda to be captured and enslaved by Nebudkhadnezzar, emperor of Babylon. But the Eternal permitted King Shlomo to send his son he had by his Shebite wife named Makeda, the Emperess of the Aksum (Ethiopian) Empire,(who, unlike his other foreign wives, had herself converted faithfully to the true faith of Ibraham Yisha'akh and Yacob and her whole family too), and who was wrongly later called Queen of Sheba; the ETERNAL permitted their son the Crown Prince Menelik I, my ancestor and namesake, to take a batalion of 3000 skilled soldiers and craftsmen men of Yahuda and their families and three dozen Levites from the Kingdom of Yahuda and their families to all take the Ark of the Covenant, David's silver trumpets of the tabernacle, the golden menorah and other artifacts from the sanctuary and to take them all to relocate to a new place where they would be safely guarded in Aksum (Ethiopia) where they are kept under close guard of the high priest, even to this very day.

Only those who wanted to escape the wrath of the ETERNAL that has been unleashed upon Ethiopia for the murder of haile Selassie I, the seed of David because he was a descendant of Shlomo and his father King David and the ETERNAL had solomly swore to David that his seed would reign wherever His Holy Covenant was and yet the evil marxists staged a coup led by General Benti and Col. Haile Mariam Mengistu and overthrew Haile Selassie I and Mengistu took over and MURDERED His Imperial Majesty and buried him under a palace toilet which Mengistu deficated into every day of his regime. It is a scandal and a shame how Mingistu was ever allowed to escape alive to Zimbabwe where it is said he now lives. I'd execute him myself if Prince Zera Yacob ever gave me the order the weapon and the round-trip passage, even if he never actually gets coronated, he is still the Solomonic Crown Prince, first in line for the restored throne and my distant cousin, as the butcher Mingistu tried to kill all of Selassie's progeny as well as many thousands of other Ethiopian nobles and regular citizens who were either too religions or not communist enough, etc. Mingistu is to Ethiopia what Hitler was to Europe.

I hope I have helped to bring a better understanding about Ethiopian Jews.

Birhanna Selam.

Sincerely, Without Prejudice:

Tiru Abbat Mariam: Menelik III
The Ras Nebi* of Aksum

(*Chief Prophet)