See now, this is why

See now, this is why the Hemingses need to write the Jeffersons' asses off

I wouldn't even be trying to get with these people if I were in a similar situation (which I am).


Web intrigue adds twist to Jefferson/Hemings saga
05/02/2003 11:35 PM EDT

ROANOKE, Va. (AP) - The wife of a Thomas Jefferson family association official said Friday that she masqueraded as a 67-year-old black woman on an Internet chat room in a bid to keep descendants of a reputed Jefferson mistress out of this weekend's family reunion.

"It might have been somewhat unethical," said Paulie Abeles of Washington, D.C., who participated for eight months in the Yahoo! message board created for relatives of Jefferson slave Sally Hemings.

"It might have been childish, but I really think I was working in the best interest of the majority of the family members to make the reunion a calm and civilized gathering," she said.

… David Works, a sixth-generation grandson of Jefferson who sympathizes with the Hemings heirs, said he has asked federal authorities to investigate.

… Paulie Abeles said she was curious last August when she found out the Hemings family was communicating through an Internet group, but she thought her name would have made it difficult to be included.

So Cassandra Mays-Lewis was born. In her Yahoo! profile, Abeles made Cassandra a descendant of Jefferson slave Joe Fossett, describing herself as having an interest in black genealogy. In her messages, she played the part of an elderly woman, stricken with emphysema, thanking Works at one point for his "kind attentions to an old woman."

… Lucian Truscott IV, a Jefferson descendant who believes the Hemings family should be recognized, said he believes the Internet impostor was Nat Abeles, not his wife.

See, I ain't mad at David Works, or Lucian Truscott. I wouldn't even be mad at the Abeles is they wasn't scared-ass liars (at least one of them is) who's acting like admitting the Hemingses would make them part negro.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/9/2003 12:56:57 PM |

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 9, 2003 - 7:56am :: Old Site Archive