We interrupt our regularly scheduled

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program

I spent some time yesterday on some of the less virulent right wing sites and still came away a bit disheartened. Makes me wonder if people actually follow links or just suck down the focused extracts presented. I actually wonder if the people doing the extracting read the articles.

Yeah, I do some of that focused extracting too. I really try to make sure the extract presents a real idea of the position presented or intrigues one int oreading the rest of the article. And I'm a speed-reader, so I may not be the best one to be doing the comparisons. And yes, I wonder the same thing about the progressives.

Anyway, it's all attackATTACKattack out here. And in the government its all lieLIElie. Not just the feds; for instance, NYC lied about their MTA budget to get transit fare hikes and it just wasn't necessary. Most folks would have understood if they said "the budget is screwed and this is a reasonable way to help bridge the gap."

Like I said, I'm a bit disheartened this morning.

What I need to do to get over this is find something constructive to present. So I'm going to be looking for that today. I will not be posting anything further today. Check back like noon EST tomorrow. If there's still nothing new then come back Monday, by which time I will definitely be posting. I may only be in progress with the additions and changes but I'm sure there'll be something I can't hold off talking about by then. The talking heads on Sunday morning generally present an irresistable target.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/10/2003 09:52:34 AM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 10, 2003 - 9:52am :: Old Site Archive