I was going to leave a comment

by Prometheus 6
January 29, 2004 - 3:20pm.
on Politics

…but I think it's rude to scream on somebody on their own site.

The villain is my boy Cobb:

Iraqi Holocaust Denial
Few things have become as exasperating as the continuing back and forth between the explainers and the complainers over the issue of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Yet it's remarkable to see how few people are talking about the masses Iraqi weapons have already destroyed.

That's because we talked about it when it happened, dawg.

Instead of spending all of their attention on the failure of people who were looking for weapons, why aren't American humanitarians looking for people?

You mean the dead ones we noticed years ago or the ones we don't want to see killed in further unnecessary war?

I've been saying for almost a year now that the primary reason we were right in going to Iraq was to liberate the Iraqis from Saddam Hussein and his Baathist regime.

And if you were President, we'd be talking about you high moral standards,

But this election isn't about what you said. You or any other blogger.

It's about what the Bushistas said. And did.

Best of all, though, was the excerpt you pinged me with (that's right, ladies and gentlemen, he asked for this):

Left activists, by focusing attention on the absence of WMDs to prove 'Bush Lied' have broken faith with humanitarian concerns. They should have been focused on disappeared people, not disappeared weapons.



It is our humanitarian concerns that makes us break with Bush. And it's not limited to Iraq. YOUR president said Saddam could remain in power if he disarmed. That means armament was more important than human rights to him if he was telling the truth.

The most humanitarian thing we could do for Iraq at this point is get the hell out of their way. But we're set up to keep a huge occupying force there for at least three years. We've nationalized…excuse me, imperialized their economy. Humanitarians do THAT kind of shit all the time, right?

Standing by these…neocons…would be abandoning humanitarian concerns in favor of a policy of aggression designed to make the world recognize the USofA, not as its leader, but as its master.

Fuck that.

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Submitted by James R MacLean (not verified) on January 29, 2004 - 4:50pm.

Except for the last two words, that post is pretty much the entire mission statement of my own website. Oh, yes, and I didn't pick on Cobb.

We Americans are really unaware that our foreign policy has reverted to that of the 19th century great powers.

Submitted by P6 (not verified) on January 29, 2004 - 9:29pm.

I suppose I could have been a bit more dignified. But you know, sometimes an obcenity is the accurate term.

Submitted by Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on January 29, 2004 - 10:02pm.

I hear you, brother. Just what I would say myself.