Round two

by Prometheus 6
January 30, 2004 - 6:42am.
on Politics

Cobb is right about most things. Just not politics.

The problem isn't Iraq. The problem is Bush and crew are not the people I want speaking for me, acting for me, planning for me.

You see, the problem with NOT parsing Bush's words is it means one isn't even interested in the truth. And the neocon plans for the world aren't as disturbing to me as their plans for the USofA--P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act crap, free speech only applying in zones instead of the whole damn country, crony capitalism, denial of scientific fact in favor of Conservative Correctness…the list goes on.

There is no issue on which the Bush administration acts for the benefit of the populace rather than corporate interests. I'm not making some simplistic judgement of the whole American political situation based on one issue. You should stop doing so.

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