This will be interesting

Between the Center for American Progress fact-checking the Republicans and these guys performance-checking the media, progressive bloggers get some serious resources.

Media for Democracy 2004

Media for Democracy 2004 is a non-partisan citizens' initiative to monitor mainstream news coverage of the 2004 elections and advocate standards of reporting that are more democratic and issues-oriented. Media for Democracy educates and activates a growing base of concerned citizens by delivering alerts -- breaking news and analysis of mainstream media election coverage. Our goal is to build a constituency of people across the political spectrum that can put news executives on notice when their reporting strays from best practices for fair media coverage of elections.

The project is run by, a media issues supersite, featuring criticism, breaking news, and investigative reporting from hundreds of organizations worldwide. Media for Democracy taps the expertise of MediaChannel's 100 U.S. affiliates and more than 125,000 users in a targeted campaign to prevent the types of media mistakes -- such as early, erroneous and politically biased projections -- that plagued the 2000 elections.

Media for Democracy 2004 is supported by the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy and individual donors to Support this ongoing initiative by following the link below.

Timothy Karr
Executive Director

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on January 30, 2004 - 11:43am :: Seen online