Impeachment and disbarment is too kind

Judgment: Not Rape-Worthy

And some people question the conventional wisdom that says many, many rape cases go unreported in the US and other countries each year because women are afraid and/or ashamed to come forward.

Look at the quote below, and you'll see why conventional wisdom is right: because a woman can't trust that anyone will treat her with an ounce of humanity after being raped:

Why would he want to rape her? She doesn't look like a day at the beach.
Any ideas who said it? Nope, it's not the defense attorney making a sleazy attempt to exonerate his client.

It's the judge presiding over the rape case. He made that comment after looking at a photograph of the battered victim, shortly before the defendant pleaded guilty to the crime.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on February 1, 2004 - 5:57am :: Seen online