Another slow dayProbably because I've

Another slow day

Probably because I've already dealt with a neo-Confederate that thinks he's subtle so I'm not in the mood to actually seek out things that annoy me.

So it's back to my little library project. Today I'm parsing "The Souls of Black Folks" by W.E.B. DuBois into web pages. DuBois is another hero of mine.

I've just about worked out an efficient method of converting the Project Gutenburg texts using HTML-Kit (which is the world's best free HTML editor, and one of the best without qualification). So although the texts are pretty large (420k of pure ASCII text in this case) it's moving pretty quickly. So I need to decide how to present these things in the next few days.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/13/2003 12:14:00 PM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 13, 2003 - 12:14pm :: Old Site Archive