Steve Plonk:"Prometheus, you're playing with

by Prometheus 6
April 10, 2003 - 9:28pm.
on Old Site Archive

Steve Plonk:

"Prometheus, you're playing with fire again. Zeus will have to bind your ass again."

Interestingly enough, the two blogs I read regularly that use commentting (Atrios and Hesiod) don't show comment links to me anymore. As I've seen them reference comments made since the 8th when your threat was made, I know the system still works. More, when I tried to go to to read the support board, wanting to see if there was a system level problem, the connection is refused.

It seems someone at haloscan has done an evil thing to my IP address.

This is unfortunate on many levels. Given haloscan's popularity it does disrupt a part of my intent--to show how the ranting of the right can be addressed on a purely rational level. That the small number of comments I've made could invoke fear in so short a time shows that irrationality in the agora is desired by some, and that some involved seem to have influence on a significant part of blogging's infrastructure (an infrastructure that I recognize the growing importance of) is one of the worst possibilites I can conceive of for the medium.

However, it also demonstrates the need for control of one's one methods of communication. I will adjust.

Everyone should remember why Zeus acted against the original Prometheus, and what he did to mortals in response: he acted against Prometheus for bringing fire and light (knowledge and power) to the humans, cutting into the gods' monopoly thereon. And sent pandora's box to afflict all mortals with chaos, pain, illness and hatreds. Significantly, true worshipers of the gods were not exempted from this punishment.

I am not so arrogant as to see my role, mere days old in the "blogosphere," as very significant. But I rarely respond to aggression in a manner that makes the aggressor happy with the results.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/10/2003 09:28:15 PM |