The discussion that I'm talking

The discussion that I'm talking about below
Tuesday :: April 08, 2003

Guardian Reports Details of Strike On Saddam

The Guardian provides details on why it is likely Saddam was killed in yesterday's blast:
Accordings to the reports President Saddam and his sons Qusay and Uday were seen walking into a restaurant in the al-Mansour district of Baghdad early yesterday afternoon. The meeting, with up to 50 members of the top Ba'ath leadership is thought to have taken place in a bunker either below the restaurant or in an adjacent building.
A voice sounding like President Saddam's had been overheard discussing escape routes out of the city. According to one report, his voice was intercepted because he was using an encrypted communication system sold to him by a British company in the 1980s, which British intelligence has since been able to decode.

The belief that the Iraqi leader was at the meeting was reinforced by US intelligence sources within the Iraqi leadership. The intelligence was relayed almost immediately to central command headquarters in Qatar, who sent the co-ordinates to one of its B-1 stealth bombers, which are constantly patrolling the skies over Iraq in search of such targets of opportunity.
Posted Tuesday :: April 08, 2003 | TrackBack


I call bullshit for 2 reasons:

1. they made the same foolish claim on the first day.

2. franks and beans are perpetual liars. it's all part of their jobs.
Posted by: John Q Public on April 8, 2003 05:50 AM

Let's hope he's dead, already. The baseball season has started and no one seems to be paying enough attention.
Posted by: goblue on April 8, 2003 06:07 AM

Ah, I've heard this Yankee chest thumping b.s. before. Though I've no real love for Mr. Hussein, I hope he's out foxed the imperial ambitions of the U.S. once again, just to piss them off. The problem with this kind of criminality, not the first time for U.S. strategists in many parts of the world, is it invites a like response. (Anyone remember 911?)
Corporate America is not opposed to demoracy, at least at home, so long as it can buy it and control it. It keeps the masses, their gun fodder onside.For the rest of the world, especially the small and defenceless, it's guns, bombs and bullets in their New World Order.
Of note though, the restaurant they hit with their "smart" bomb, from which has only been dragged thus far, a small child, a decapitated young woman and an old man, will hardly go to winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi street.
Which will serve its purpose too, no doubt, to arouse the world and hasten the defeat of Imperial U.S.A.
Posted by: Jerry on April 8, 2003 09:37 AM

Boy I have heard it all, and I keep on hearing it all again and again. You would think that people can only reach some high level of ignorance. Once again, I have guessed wrong. There obviously is no limit. There is no reason for trying to justify anything that has, and will be destroyed during the "War" in Iraq. For one, there lucky that we give a a rats ass about what we target in Iraq. Are they supposed to go around everything to hit targets when you know that low life piece of cow dung is hiddin right in the middle of his own people. And you dont need anyone to confirm this. For two, I believe that this is not a war to Iraqi freedom. It is in retaliation against "911" So there is your answer to the question of regarding remembering "911" We do, and he is paying at this very moment. We had to justify it somehow. hehehehe
Posted by: Rick on April 8, 2003 10:21 AM

Rick, have you ever made the slightest effort to imagine what your life would be like if you were unfortunate to be born an Iraqi citizen? Or are you just that shallow and burnt out of a human being?

There are some reasons to actually support this war. For you to believe the killing of Iraqi civilians is one of them says a lot about you.
Posted by: Double B on April 8, 2003 11:10 AM

So, Rick . . .

I take it you have proof of Iraqi involvement in the attacks on 9/11?

Impressive. Even the CIA was unable to come up with any.

You know what this is? It's the "Kick the Dog" war. It's like, the division head yells at your boss, who yells at you. So you go home in a bad mood and yell at your wife, She, in turn runsout of patience with your kid and spanks him. Then he goes outside and kicks the dog.
Posted by: Prometheus 6 on April 8, 2003 12:33 PM

Prometheus, you're playing with fire again. Zeus will have to bind your ass again.
Posted by: Steve Plonk on April 8, 2003 02:51 PM


Good luck, homie. Prometheus 6 is the new, upgraded model of titan.
Posted by: Prometheus 6 on April 8, 2003 04:34 PM

Bunch of Joe-six-packs in here. I thought this was an intelligent intelligence information dispersal area. NOT, just personal vendetta. Look over here, I have my hand up I have the answer. Just wait till the anti-dude stands up and has the answers for everything and everybody, then we'll all be in deep guano.
Posted by: Bleeb on April 8, 2003 05:07 PM

Well, "Bleeb" certainly does sound like the, "...intelligent intelligence" info gathering type of intellectual, to be sure. To the extent one measures that by complete "unintelligibility".
You must work for U.S. military intelligence Bleeb. They're not really very intelligent.
Posted by: Coyote on April 8, 2003 07:06 PM

To my mind, Bleeb has a point on the personal vendetta thing. I much prefer reason and good metaphors. You'll notice I responded to the veiled threat with a metaphor, or simile or some such.

Continued threats will force me to talk about somebody's mamma.
Posted by: Prometheus 6 on April 8, 2003 07:31 PM

"...who sent the co-ordinates to one of its B-1 stealth bombers..."

The B-1 IS a 1980's era supersonic bomber, designed originally to penetrate soviet airspace and deliver nuclear weapons.

The B-1 is NOT a stealth aircraft, however.
Posted by: not the real one on April 9, 2003 09:53 AM

Wake up people, the strugle for freedom is never free of bloodshed. The world is governed by the powerful, the Arab world only respects and understands strength and power. Look at the news today, Iraqi people cheering in the streets, thanking us for liberating them from the opression and tyranny they have suffered under for 20 years, American is great, if you don't like it, leave.....!
Posted by: America Rules on April 9, 2003 10:41 AM

But if the people to be freed don't WANT to shed their blood, is it up to us to force them to?

And are we supposed to bleed for someone else?

You have not thought this through.
Posted by: Prometheus 6 on April 9, 2003 02:31 PM

So now we're bombing people into democracy? We seem to be all for democratic goverments until they actually listen to their citizens (Turkey, France, Germany). Nobody really thought we would lose this "war". The real problem is going to start showing up when we want Iraq to fit into our definition of a democracy. When we try to satisfy the three major and other minor religous/cultural groups that make up Iraq. When we try to recover our costs from Iraqi oil. When we impose our chosen leaders on the Iraqi people. Basically, when the Iraqis start wanting some of what we're selling, and find out that the neocons are full of it.
Posted by: Winston Smith on April 9, 2003 03:51 PM

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/11/2003 12:59:17 AM |

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