You think the right wing

by Prometheus 6
May 15, 2003 - 10:39am.
on Old Site Archive

You think the right wing is annoying now?

Doing my periodic check for interesting referrers, I found someone accessed the page from a Yahoo! search for "prometheus" and "blog." The chances of me not looking at that result set is best represented by a negative trancendental number.

In said result set was a pionter to a discussion board run by Stormfront … basically aWhite Nationalist Internet advocacy group. Seems as of February this year they were discussing setting up weblogs.

There's about fifty billion neoconservative blogs out there, but no white nationalist ones. The closest thing we have is Vanguard News Network, which is certainly an excellent site, but it mainly preaches to the choir. What I have in mind is something more "respectable", i.e. no cursing, no racial slurs, excellent spelling/grammar, etc., but with the same pro-white and anti-Jew message. Something that "mainstream" readers would be more likely to look at and take seriously.

Right now, lots of intelligent things get said on the Stormfront forums, but no one ever reads them except for other white nationalists and the occasional anti. Also, lots of news articles posted here would be of great interest to a variety of people (just look at how David Horowitz takes material from American Renaissance, for example). It's kind of a waste considering that we could be making all this material much more widely available.

Interesting thing is how David Horowitz is so familiar to them …

Anyway, these guys are as full of shit in my opinion as I am in theirs, but I respect their skills. Stormfront as an organization knows how to do this Internet advocacy as well as anyone else and better than a lot of them. In fact, I suspect they're already active in blogging circles … a couple of folks Mac Diva has discussed sound a lot like them.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/15/2003 10:39:38 AM |