Right interesting

That Was Then, This is Now
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
By Dawn Anfuso, Editor

Media Metrix celebrates its eighth anniversary with a comparison of top sites in January 1996 and January 2004. Hint: Think consolidation.

Ranking of Top Web Sites*
January 1996
U.S. Home Audience
Source: Media Metrix
  Ranking of Top 50 Online Properties
January 2004
Total U.S. - Home, Work and University Locations
Source: comScore Media Metrix
Rank   Audience Reach   Rank   Home Only All Locations
  Total Internet Population 115 million (100%)     Total Internet Population 100% 134,227 100% 152,443
1 Aol.com 41%   1 Yahoo! Sites 67.1% 90,129 72.7% 110,120
2 Webcrawler.com 33%   2 MSN-Microsoft Sites 66.4% 89,133 71.6% 109,059
3 Netscape.com 31%   3 Time Warner Network 64.3% 86,284 70.8% 107,081
4 Yahoo.com 29%   4 Ebay 41.6% 55,859 47.6% 58,283
5 Infoseek.com 21%   5 Google Sites 34.5% 46,275 39.7% 55,102
6 Prodigy.com 18%   6 Terra Lycos 24.5% 32,841 31.7% 52,163
7 Compuserve.com 14%   7 About/Primedia 21.5% 28,917 27.1% 52,108
8 Umich.edu 10%   8 Amazon Sites 19.6% 26,278 25.0% 40,975
9 Primenet.com 9%   9 Viacom Online 13.9% 18,619 17.4% 37,130
10 Well.com 9%   10 Weather Channel, The 13.2% 17,765 16.2% 31,501

Posted by Prometheus 6 on February 29, 2004 - 9:08am :: Seen online