On Haiti

Last night a close friend forwarded some email about Haiti's ongoing regime change to me and asked that I post said update , which I will do. I did check out the crew the email says you can check with to stay up on the situation, the Haiti Action Committee before making that promise.

Two things made me decide to bring the Haiti action Committee to your attention instead of just posting the information from the email. First, Kiilu Nyasha is working with them. I know Kiilu and she's literally one of the original warriors. Fact is, I believe I'm a bit too much the capitalist for her taste. But I know her to be upright and her involvement is a definite good sign in my view. Second was this, which indicates they're keeping an eye on things.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 5, 2004 - 11:05am :: Africa and the African Diaspora

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That was an excelent link! Thanks a lot for posting that.

Posted by  James R MacLean (not verified) on March 5, 2004 - 2:43pm.

I would advise anyone accessing any website that claims to tell the "real truth" about Haiti to take it all in with an enormous grain of salt.
I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Haiti for two years and have returned as a private citizen to continue my projects. Much of what is written on websites like haitiaction.net reflect the views of people who may be blinded to reality by an inflated sense of ideology. They do a disservice to the same Haitian people for who they pretend to speak.
Lest anyone think that I am just another company man, the only person I can think of who despises the Bush administration more than I is George Soros (who has been backing up that angst with millions of his own dollars spent to defeat the Shrub in November). And for the record, I have a nagging feeling that the international community will fall short with this intervention just as they did in the 20th Century.

Posted by  David Doherty (not verified) on April 7, 2004 - 2:36pm.

I would advise anyone accessing any website that claims to tell the "real truth" about Haiti to take it all in with an enormous grain of salt.

That's fair.

As long as you're including government and media sites.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on April 7, 2004 - 3:52pm.