Just out of curiousity, who's voting for Nader?

Support for Bush Slumps on Economy, Iraq

By Rich Morin and Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, March 8, 2004; 6:30 PM

…In a bit of good news for Bush, Nader is drawing essentially all of his support from Kerry, who leads Bush by nine percentage points in a two-way matchup with the president -- an indication Nader could play the spoiler for Democrats in 2004 as he did four years ago. Underscoring that potential, nearly two thirds of Democrats opposed Nader's decision to run, while half of all Republicans approve of his move.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 8, 2004 - 8:42pm :: News

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If Bush supporters were planning to vote for Nader, something weird is going on. Of course Nader is drawing votes away from the Democratic candidate. Duh!

My answer is the same as it's always been: I'll probably vote for Kerry but will make the final decision in November, based on the circumstances at that time, and follow the course of action that I believe will bring about the most good or the least harm.

Posted by  Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on March 9, 2004 - 3:59am.

Bush supporters aren't planning to vote for Nader, they're supporting his run like Roger whatsisface supported Sharpton.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on March 9, 2004 - 6:09am.

Oh, I know that. I was referring to the first part of the excerpt, which seems to think it's news that Nader is drawing support from Kerry rather than Bush.

Posted by  Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on March 9, 2004 - 7:12pm.

More journalism covering for shrubya. He is behind double didgits in most polls, 8 percent is the lowest I've seen.
Nader was given more votes via diebold than he garnered. The one percenter will bear no matter on this go round.

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on March 10, 2004 - 3:03am.